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  • Computer Science
  1. Shuwei Jolly Zhang, Howard Eissenstat, Amir Tayebi, Choong-Soo Lee, Cynthia Bansak, Peter Pettengill, Sun Ki Choi, Melissa Schulenberg, Emre Balicki, and Ivan Ramler.

    Faculty Focus- Dec. 13, 2021

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty published journal articles with students and alumni, presented scholarly papers at conferences, showcased artwork with alumni, and shared their career journeys with doctoral students. 

  2. Aileen O'Donoghue and Haille Perkins sit in O'Donoghue's office and discuss their research project.

    St. Lawrence Undergraduate Researchers to Observe Galaxies with Remote Telescope

    St. Lawrence students will observe galaxies using the world’s largest steerable, single-dish telescope in Green Bank, West Virginia, from their labs in Canton, N.Y., thanks to a successful observation proposal by a research team including Henry Priest Professor of Physics Aileen O’Donoghue and Haille Perkins ’22.

  3. Headshot of Jonah Perry standing outside the Center for Career Excellence.

    First Person: How I Found a Remote Computer Science Internship

    Jonah Perry '22

    Canton, N.Y. is a beautiful small town, filled with small shops and restaurants scattered throughout. Though it offers opportunities to experience local art and culture and is close to many outdoor...

  4. St. Lawrence Elects New Member to Board of Trustees

    St. Lawrence University’s Board of Trustees has elected Zhihong “Hook” Huang, Class of 2002, as a new member. His six-year term begins July 1.

  5. McNair, CSTEP Students Participate in Research, Internships

    Eighteen St. Lawrence University Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program and Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) scholars conducted research or participated in internships on campus this summer.

  6. Jeffrey R. Chiarenzelli, Judith Nagel-Myers, Jessica L. Chapman, Adam Hill and Ivan P. Ramler

    NSF Grant to Fund Liberal Arts Science Scholars Program

    St. Lawrence University has been awarded a five-year National Science Foundation grant worth $618,524 for the creation of a new liberal arts science scholars program that will assist underrepresented groups pursue STEM-related majors and careers.