
  1. A student stands at a whiteboard at the front of the class explaining a math formula to their audience.

    Disrupting an Ancient Discipline

    When the pandemic disrupted math professor Dan Look's usual approach to teaching, he saw an opportunity to reimagine his curriculum with creative solutions to remote learning.

  2. President Fox, Area Presidents Issue Statement Supporting Local Black Lives Matter Resolutions

    St. Lawrence University President William L. Fox joined the presidents from the Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley consortium in issuing a statement in support of the Black Lives Matter Resolutions recently adopted by the Town and Village Boards of Canton and Potsdam.

  3. Rosie Johns hugs her mother goodbye on move-in day of college.

    First Person: Don't Worry, It's Going to Be More Than Okay

    Rosie Johns '23

    Sometimes in life, we fear the things that will change our lives for the better. I received my acceptance to St. Lawrence on a chilly day in March of 2019. It was a day like any other—a long eight...

  4. Bill Fox.

    With Abiding Hope: President Fox Announces His Retirement

    St. Lawrence University President William L. Fox ’75 announced his plan to retire on June 30, 2021, after 12 years at the helm of his undergraduate alma mater. He shared the news with the campus community on Tuesday, Aug. 4.

  5. Professor Ana Estevez, wearing surgical globes, holds a test tube while standing in her lab.

    The Nematode Dilemma: Experimenting with Virtual Labs

    What do science labs look like in a COVID-19 world? Faculty members like Associate Professor of Biology and Psychology Ana Estevez are finding creative solutions to prepare for the upcoming academic year.

  6. Asha Johnson on the beach near her home in Nassau, Bahamas.

    First Person: Behind Borders as an International Student During COVID-19

    Asha Johnson '21

    March has always been my favorite month of the year. The air is cool but doesn’t bite. The flowers begin to bloom, and the spring semester buzzes with the promise of advancement or completion. Also, I...

  7. Trustees, University Leaders Respond to the Black Laurentian Initiative

    In June 2020, a group of students known as the Black Laurentian Initiative sent a letter to St. Lawrence's Board of Trustees and shared their personal experiences and emotions as Black students at St. Lawrence. A response was sent to the group on July 30, 2020.

  8. Beta Theta Pi Fraternity Donates to CPH Foundation's COVID-19 Fund

    The Beta Zeta chapter of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity at St. Lawrence University wanted to make a difference in the North Country during the pandemic and found a way to do so through the Canton-Potsdam Hospital Foundation.

  9. Environmental Studies Prof Featured on Energy Podcast

    Associate Professor of Environmental Studies David Murphy recently shared his expertise on electricity as a guest on the "The Energy Transition Show" podcast.

  10. Two students sitting on a blanket on the rocks at the top of a waterfall at dusk.

    First Person: The Norms of College Life Are Out the Window. Now What?

    Grace Harkins '21

    My last three years at SLU have been full of laughter, goofiness, growth, love, and learning. Even though COVID-19 might make the upcoming year look very different to us, I have no doubt that these...