
  1. Kirk and Anne Douglas.

    In Memory: Laurentian, Actor, Philanthropist Kirk Douglas ’39

    A devoted and proud Laurentian who was one of the most recognized names on the silver screen, Mr. Kirk Douglas ’39 died on February 5, 2020, at the age of 103.

  2. American Physiological Society Features Neuroscience Professor

    American Physiological Society Features Neuroscience Professor

  3. "Under a Wave off Kanagawa" by Hiroshige.

    First Person: Mokuhanga, My Printmaking Journey


    A fishing boat, small enough to miss, is suspended in the frothy jaws of a monstrous wave, moments away from the water’s crash. Mt. Fuji watches silently from the background, subtle and stable in the...

  4. Christian Eveleigh.

    First Person: Cranial Exposure, A Bald Man Survives Canton Winters


    At age 17, I looked down for a split second during a family photograph, and the top of my head was captured, for the first time revealing to me a faint ring that would eventually lead to my presently...

  5. A glorious sun set over the empty bleachers overlooking athletic fields on the Saint Lawrence campus.

    First Person: The Best Decision I Made for My St. Lawrence Career

    Abigail Todd '21

    My St. Lawrence story begins during my first year when I was on the track team. I had been running and jumping my whole life, and running track in the next chapter of my life at St. Lawrence seemed...

  6. Watch the Recording: Celebrating the Life of The Reverend Kathleen Buckley

    A service celebrating the life of The Reverend Kathleen Buckley took place on Sunday, Feb. 2, in Gunnison Memorial Chapel.

  7. American Physiological Society Features Neuroscience Professor

    Ana Estevez, associate professor of biology and psychology, was featured in the most recent edition of the American Physiological Society's monthly magazine.

  8. Economics Prof. Publishes Paper in Peer-Reviewed Journal

    Assistant Professor of Economics Sun-Ki Choi has co-authored a paper that was recently published by Education Economics, a peer-reviewed journal serving as a forum for debate in all areas of the economics and management of education.

  9. Meca-Gaye Francis

    First Person: A Year of Firsts and Lasts


    When I thought about what my senior year would look like, I had many high expectations. I wanted to have made new friends, tried new activities, traveled to different countries, and feel prepared to...

  10. Adirondack Research Featured in Regional Media

    Research conducted by an environmental studies professor and an alumnus was recently featured in a regional media outlet in the Albany area.