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  • Faculty News
  1. Jeffrey Frank, Allison Rowland, and Neil Forkey.

    Faculty Focus - Oct. 4, 2021

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty co-organized conferences, earned honorable mentions for their books, and published scholarly articles.

  2. Grace Huang, Howard Eissenstat, and Carolyn Twomey.

    Faculty Focus - Sept. 27, 2021

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty presented at virtual conferences and used their expertise to discuss current events and their new books on podcasts.

  3. Joseph Jockel.

    Canadian Studies Professor’s New Book Analyzes Canada’s Involvement in NATO

    Professor of Canadian Studies Joseph Jockel has co-authored a book which analyzes Canada’s involvement in the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance from 1949-2019.

  4. John Collins and Somdeep Sen.

    Professor Collaborates with Alumnus to Publish Book on 9/11 Political Lexicon

    When Somdeep Sen ’07 walked into the first class for his First-Year Program at St. Lawrence University in 2003, he never envisioned that his professor would become a lifelong mentor with whom he would co-author a book more than 18 years later.

  5. Saint Lawrence visiting professors.

    St. Lawrence Welcomes New Visiting Professors

    St. Lawrence University has appointed 14 new visiting faculty for the 2021-22 academic year. 

  6. Laurie Olmstead, Ronnie Olesker, Ed Harcourt, and Erin Colvin stand together after receiving University awards.

    Faculty, Staff Receive Awards, Promotions at Annual Convocation

    St. Lawrence University honored several employees with awards for their outstanding service and recognized a number of faculty who earned tenure and promotions during their annual Convocation event, which was held outside in the Herring-Cole Grove on Wednesday, August 25.

  7. President Kate Morris addresses a seated crowd at Convocation.

    St. Lawrence Faculty Earn Tenure, Receive Promotions

    St. Lawrence University announced the promotion of several faculty members at the start of the 2021-22 academic year. The promotions were celebrated during the University’s annual Convocation, which was held Wednesday, August 25. All promotions are effective September 1, 2021.

  8. Christianity and the Alt-Right, Exploring the Relationship. Damon T Berry.

    Professor Publishes Book on Religion and Politics

    Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Damon Berry has published a new book, “Christianity and the Alt-Right: Exploring the Relationship.” The book’s publisher, Routledge, describes it as “a must-read for those interested in religion in America, religion and politics, evangelicalism, and religion and race.”

  9. Alison Del Rossi, Alessandro Giardino,Judith Nagel-Myers, and Erica Morrell.

    Faculty Focus - August 16, 2021

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty members contributed to peer-reviewed journals, magazines, and anthologies, and coordinated international conferences.

  10. Ronnie Olesker, Jeff Maynes, Bill Short, and four members of the Saint Lawrence University graduating class of 2020.

    St. Lawrence in the News - August 16, 2021

    This regular roundup features a selection of recent mentions of St. Lawrence University and its students, faculty, and staff in regional, national, and international media outlets.