Competitive Course Release

Competitive Course Release Policy

Competitive Course Release Fillable Form

Course Release Rubric 

Academic Year 2024-2025:

Sara Ashpole
Associate Professor, Environmental Studies Department
R. Sheldon '68 and Virginia H. Johnson Professor in the Sciences
Project to explore the development of an Environmental Studies undergraduate journal

Brad Baldwin
Professor, Biology Department
Project to begin implementation of large research grant awarded by NYS  on conservation

Jennifer L. Hansen
Professor, Philosophy Department
Project to take CS 256 in Fall 2024 to advance computer science knowledge to develop a course that can be offered regularly on software engineering ethics

LeAnn Holland
Assistant Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator, Education Department
Project to develop a 4+1 combined program in leadership at SLU and develop an application for NYSED

Spring 2024:

Gabriel Dorfsman-Hopkins
Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science & Statistics Department
Development and outreach for a makerspace in Bewkes