Summer Term 2024

Summer Term 2024 

Summer Term courses will take place online and asynchronously from May 28, 2024 – June 28, 2024. The complete schedule of available courses will be available in APR2 or our Guest Catalog on April 22, 2024.

Registration begins Monday, April 22, 2024 through Friday May 10, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.

It is important to note that summer term courses are worth the same unit value as a 15-week Fall or Spring semester course. It is expected that the same quality and amount of work is done within the summer term timeline. Since this is a condensed format of a full semester course, students are permitted to register for a maximum of two courses or 2 units.

For students who are not currently enrolled at St. Lawrence University as a full-time student, please fill out Special Student Registration Form to register for courses.

Summer Term 2024 Course Selection

LEAD-TBD: Global Leadership (Graduate students only), .83 units, 500-level

In modern society, being a strong leader means connecting with diverse individuals. Due to technology, how organizations form and conduct business can allow people to connect from all over the world. Thus, understanding global leadership is imperative. This asynchronous online graduate course will focus on various components that influence global leadership, such as cultural awareness, self-awareness, resilience, collective leadership, cross-cultural competencies, patience, and other elements that are essential for leaders to understand. By using readings, discussion posts, videos, group and independent assignments, and a final research paper, students will gain a better understanding of what can make leaders more impactful for their teams.

ANTH-103ONL: Introduction to Archaeology, 1 unit, 100-level

What is archaeology, exactly? The subject fascinates many people, but very few of us really know what archaeologists do and why they do it. This course offers a general overview of the branch of anthropology that investigates ancient societies through the material remains they have left behind. Students will learn that archaeologist engage in detailed, systematic detective work aimed at answering a wide range of questions about human behavior. The course introduces students to the history of archaeology, the main goals of archaeological research, the basic techniques of excavation, site survey, and artifact analysis, as well as the famous discoveries and excavations that have broadened our knowledge about the human past.

CHEM-108ONL with lab: Culinary Reactions; 1.25 unit, Fulfills NS-L distribution, 100-level

Culinary Reactions is a natural science with lab course designed for non-science majors who wish to learn the scientific method by studying chemistry at the introductory level as it applies to the science of cooking. The hands-on pedagogy of this course allows students to explore everyday chemistry and related sciences behind cooking and dietary consumption with all their senses: visual, touch, smell, and taste. Students learn a wide range of chemical concepts from atoms and elements, chemical bonding and molecules, to chemical reactions taking place under various cooking conditions, all in the context of how chemicals function as life sustaining nutrients, flavors, and pure indulgence. With the acquired knowledge about physical and chemical properties of food ingredients, students will experiment with recipes to achieve tastier, more flavorful, and more visually appealing food and drinks. NO PASS/FAIL OPTION. Fulfills the NS-L distribution ( 2013 curriculum ) REQUIREMENTS: The labs for this course will be conducted in the student's home so access to a cooking area with cooking equipment is required (measuring cups/spoons, kitchen scale, oven, fridge, and cook top). This course requires students to have access to a computer running Windows or iOS connected to broadband internet.

CLAS-103ONL: Introduction to Ethnic Studies and Social Justice, 1 unit, Fufills DIV 13 requirement, 100-level

The goal of this course is to understand the contemporary web of social, political, economic, and direct actions that are affecting racial justice in the context of the United States. Students are going to be familiar with the histories of Latinos, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, and Native Americans who are deeply connected to the very foundation of the American nation class readings, individual and group projects are drawn from a broad, interdisciplinary approach to contextualize different migrations to the United States. We will become familiar with the way social, racial, economic, and religious hierarchies are played out in our society.

ENVS-3074ONL: Introduction to Environmental and Occupational Health, 1 unit, 200-level

What is the connection between the health of people, animals, and the environment? What are some health effects associated with exposure to hazardous air, water, pesticides, organic solvents (like cleaning agents and paints), dust, and physical hazards in the environment as well as the workplace? What can be done to mitigate these effects and prevent hazardous conditions? This course will introduce you to the study of environmental and occupational health with a focus on the types of environmental and occupational health hazards, the routes of exposure, and the ways of preventing and controlling these hazards. Doing so will also provide you with an overview of environmental and occupational health regulations. During the course, you will complete several experiential learning activities designed to strengthen your theoretical knowledge of key concepts and policies in the field of environmental and occupational health. These activities will range from conducting an environmental health risk analysis to performing an ergonomic risk assessment. This course counts towards the Public Health major and minor as an elective and towards the Environmental Studies Major as an ESP. Our Shared Environment (ENVS 101) is recommended.

GEOL-103ONL with lab: Dynamic Earth, 1 unit, Fulfills EL  and NSC-L requirement, 100-level

A fully online, introduction to the study of the Earth intended for students with little or no previous exposure to geology or other science. The course examines the materials from which the Earth is made and the forces that govern their distribution; it explores the formation, abundance and distribution of economically useful earth materials (oil, natural gas, coal, strategic metals, precious minerals, water resources) and examines natural hazards such as volcanoes, earthquakes, radiation exposure and floods. Laboratory is fully online and will provide exercises that support lecture materials covering rocks and minerals to earthquakes and mountains, etc.

GEOL-117ONL: Dynamic Ocean, 1 unit, Fulfills EL and QLR requirement, 100-level

This online course is an introduction to geological and physical oceanography which provides students with an understanding of the marine environment and natural and human impacts on it. Topics include ocean in Earth system, plate tectonics, marine sediments, atmosphere and ocean, currents, waves and tides, coastal ocean and shoreline processes. It also includes study of oceans and climate change, ocean's role in global warming, and ocean acidification. There are no prerequisites for this course.

GOVT-3093ONL: Contemporary Issues in European Politics, 1 unit, 200-level

This 4-week, 100% online course will allocate about 10 days to cover each of the following three sets of developments that have shaped the political landscape in Europe since the mid-2010s: (i) The Syrian civil war and the European refugee crisis; (ii) the rise of right-wing populism in Europe, Brexit, and COVID-19, and (iii) the Russia-Ukraine War and the future of Europe. Each of the three modules will consist of several asynchronous learning activities with deadlines scattered throughout the 10-day period. More specifically, each module will begin with a brief pre-recorded video explanation of the issue at hand complemented by reading assignments and audio/video clips. Next, we will form small groups for an online (and asynchronous) discussion of how the issue at hand is (and should be) addressed by policymakers. In other words, the emphasis will be on not only a consideration of the facts and processes/interconnections but also the outcomes involved. We will wrap up each module with a reaction paper and a brief self-reflection.

ITAL-3019ONL: Italian Culture and Cuisine, 1 unit, 200-level

TAUGHT IN ENGLISH: This course will provide an introduction to Italian culture and food, by focusing on regional specificities. More specifically, the course will be structured as a travel through Italy, from North to South, with an emphasis on main cities as well as small towns. Students will learn to appreciate Italy as a country with a rich historical, artistic and culinary tradition.

ND-207ONL: College Writing Workshop, .5 unit, 100-level

This half-credit course in developmental writing will focus on improving composition skills and building familiarity with the conventions of academic writing. An emphasis will be placed on mastering the steps of the writing process, improving grammar, addressing both lower and higher-level writing concerns, and increasing competency with citation. As a part of the course requirements, students will complete short writing assignments, respond to course readings, practice grammar and citation, and work independently to polish their writing assignments.

PCA-125ONL: Introduction to Theatre, 1 unit, 100-level

This course is designed to aid the student in an investigation into the various aspects of theatre performance and process. This course will explore the five main aspects of the theatrical event: director, actor, playwright, designers (costume, scenic, lighting), and audience. Throughout the course students will discover the relationship between text/literature and the artistic nature of theatre to make and enhance meaning.

PHIL-202ONL: Reasoning, 1 unit, Fulfills QLR requirement, 200-level

Reasoning, evaluating arguments, and making judgments are skills that play a large role in our everyday lives, and yet we are often only implicitly aware of these practices. When we think critically about what we believe and why we believe it, we empower ourselves to change our beliefs if they don't stand up to critical scrutiny; we also empower ourselves to make better, more persuasive arguments for our beliefs when they do. This course will study patterns of logical argumentation and common logical fallacies as they occur in areas such as advertising, news media, political rhetoric, and the sciences. It will also alert students to the psychological barriers that can impinge upon critical thinking, and the role that social identities and background experiences can play in the formation of beliefs.

SSES-115ONL: Introduction to Kinesiology, 1 unit, 100-level

This course surveys six primary sub-disciplines of Kinesiology using theoretical/conceptual, experiential, and professional lenses. Emphasis is on the role of physical activity in human development throughout the lifespan and our relationship with physical activity in daily life.

SSES-212ONL: Sociological Perspectives on Sport, 1 unit, 200-level

Sport plays a giant role in contemporary society worldwide. But few of us pause to think about the larger questions of politics, race, gender, culture, and commercialization that surround sport everywhere. By better understanding many of the sociological elements that are rooted in sport, students will be able to gain an appreciation of the complex nature of this important social institution…well beyond what happens on the field/court/sheet of play! SSES 212 will be a case study, unit-based course, that will utilize flexible, self-determined timelines. The course is structured to allow for students to thoughtfully reflect on the material they elect to explore while working around their other summer plans and obligations (fully asynchronous with access to professor via phone/text or Zoom by office hours/by appointment).

Resources and Policies


  • Monday, April 22, 2024 through Friday May 10, 2024 at 4:30pm.
    • It is important to note that summer term courses are worth the same unit value as a 15-week Fall or Spring semester course. It is expected that the same quality and amount of work is done within the summer term timeline. Since this is a condensed format of a full semester course, students are permitted to register for a maximum of two courses or 2 units.
    • For students who are not currently enrolled at St. Lawrence University as a full-time student, please fill out Special Student Registration Form to register for courses.

Late Registration

  • Monday, May 13, 2024 through Monday, May 27, 2024 at 4:30pm.
    • Submit an add/drop ticket with proof of instructor consent.
    • Any courses added during this time must be pre-paid prior to registration.
  • Tuesday, May 28, 2024 – Thursday, May 30, 2024
    • Submit an add/drop ticket with proof of instructor consent.
    • Any courses added during this time must be pre-paid prior to registration.
  • The cost is $2,070 per undergraduate course with a one-time $40 registration fee. The cost is $3,023 per graduate course with a one-time $40 registration fee.
  • For courses added during registration, a payment plan must be set up or payment must be made in full by Friday, May 10, 2024
  • For courses added during the late registration or add/drop period, a payment plan or pre-payment must be received prior to registering.

Cancellation Policy

Any 1-unit course with fewer than five students registered at the end of the second day of classes may not be continued. If that happens, you can register for another course.

Summer Term Refund Policy:
Please contact the Student Financial Services Office at 315-229-5581 for details. Please note there are non-refundable deposits and fees associated with special programs.

Opportunities for independent study, projects and internships are available with faculty sponsorship at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. To do any of these you must:

1. Have 2.5 minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA),
2. Find a Faculty sponsor,
3. Complete and submit an independent study application form to the Dean's Office (Vilas 103) for approval, with ALL signatures from faculty sponsor and department chair,
4. Pay tuition and registration fees at Student Financial Services, or have Student Financial Services certify your participation in a payment plan.

Completed applications must be approved in advance of summer term. You may not register for independent study or internships through the regular summer term registration process.

Note: Students taking an independent study or participating in an internship must be registered and have paid in full in order to receive a grade and course credit.

Student Accessibility Services was established to assist students at St. Lawrence University who have a learning difference and or medical disabilities. A student who has a learning difference and or medical disability must present written documentation by a licensed professional who has diagnosed the student according to the definition of disability as stated in Section 5, Part B of Public Law 94-142, November 1975.