Academic Notice and Recovery

Academic Notice

Students will be placed on academic notice if they fail to meet satisfactory levels of performance in cumulative GPA, semester GPA, or major GPA:

  • Cumulative GPA: Students whose cumulative GPA falls between 1.5 and 1.99 (1-4 completed terms), 1.75 and 1.99 (5-7 completed terms, transfers in first semester at SLU), or below 2.0 (8-10 completed terms) will be placed on academic notice
  • Semester GPA: Students with a semester GPA below 1.75 will be placed on academic notice
  • Major GPA: Students whose major GPA falls below 2.0 will be placed on academic notice

For the complete policy, please see the "Guidelines for Academic Notice" section of the most current University Catalog (or "Guidelines for Probation" in Catalogs 2022-23 and prior).

Academic Recovery

Students placed on academic notice have two semesters to clear this status, demonstrating continued improvement during the probationary period. Each student is required to develop a plan for academic recovery. As part of this plan for academic recovery, the student must

  • Meet with their academic advisor
  • Meet regularly with a member of the Advising team. Sessions to include:
    • Discussing the requirements of academic notice
    • Goal Setting
    • Calculating GPA needed to clear academic notice
    • Academic Planning
    • Time Management
    • Academic Skills
  • Obtain a semester GPA above 2.0 each semester on academic notice
  • (If on major notice) Meet with major department chair regarding probationary status in the major

The student may also be required to meet with the Executive Director for Advising, Retention, and Student Success.