Major/Minor Requirements

Major Requirements

The major in anthropology consists of 11 courses, distributed as follows.

1. Core Courses (4)
The major core consists of Anthropology 101 (Human Origins), 102 (Cultural Anthropology), 103 (Introduction to Archaeology), and 104 (Language and Human Experience). There is no particular recommended sequence, but students should take the introductory course before taking 300-level or 400-level courses in the same subfield.

2. Electives (4)
Majors must take four additional courses at the 200-level, 300-level, or 400-level.  No more than two electives may be taken outside the department.  

3. Advanced Topics Course (1)
All majors must complete at least one 300-level Advanced Topics course.  These courses allow students to build on the anthropological knowledge, theories, and methods they have learned about in lower-level courses, to delve deeply into a particular topic, and to further develop their skills in reading, writing, speaking, research, interpretation, and/or analysis.

4. Capstone Experience (1)
Senior majors must take at least one 400-level capstone seminar or complete an Independent Study project (489, 490) or Honors project (498, 499). Students should consult an Anthropology faculty member well in advance about the latter two options.

5. One additional Advanced Topics Course or Capstone Experience (1)

6. Experiential Co-requisite
The experiential learning co-requisite is intended to provide students with an opportunity to gain experience which complements their Anthropology coursework.  Majors must complete at least one of the following experiential learning options:

  • Study on an approved semester program abroad
  • Take an approved Community Based Learning (CBL) course
  • Carry out independent anthropological research (short-term, summer, or semester)
  • Attend an approved field school in archaeology, cultural anthropology, primatology, forensics, or any other field of anthropology
  • Complete an internship relevant to anthropology
  • Master another language (as demonstrated by study through the 200-level)

Majors should consult with their advisor about which option(s) will best contribute to their education in anthropology.  For short-term or summer research projects, anthropological field schools, and internships, financial support is available on a competitive basis, and we will advise you about how to apply for these funds.

To complete the co-requisite, majors must give a formal presentation to the department reflecting on the anthropological value of their experience.  For details, please see Experiential Co-requisite Presentation.

Minor Requirements

The minor in anthropology consists of seven courses that must include:

  • At least three of the four introductory courses: 101 (Human Origins), 102 (Cultural Anthropology), 103 (Introduction to Archaeology), or 104 (Language and Human Experience);
  • At least two electives at the 200-level or above, one of which may be taken outside the department;
  • At least two courses at the 300-level (Advanced Topics) or 400-level (capstone course or independent study), taken in the department.