CentreSuite Password Reset/Account Unlock

Unlocking Your Account

Your CentreSuite user ID and Password are case sensitive, and may contain upper and lower case letters, as well as numbers. Inputting either incorrectly will result in denial of access to CentreSuite.

If you enter your ID or your password incorrectly, you will see an error message in red text that reads:

Error in logon process Invalid logon credentials

You may attempt to access the system again by re-entering your user ID and password and clicking the “Log On” button.

If you enter your user ID correctly but enter your password incorrectly three times in succession your user ID will be locked and you will see an error message that reads:

Error in logon process: This account is locked
Your user ID must be unlocked before you will be granted access to CentreSuite.

To unlock your user ID, click the “Unlock/Reset Password” link on the left side of the screen under “Additional Information”.  Enter your user ID and e-mail address and click the “Submit” button.

An e-mail will be sent which will have instructions on how to complete the process. Click the “Continue” button. After clicking the “Continue” button, you will be taken back to the CentreSuite sign-on screen. Check your e-mail at this time.

You will receive an e-mail from notifications@centresuite.com that looks like this:

Dear John Doe
To reset your password or unlock your account use the following link
This is an automated e-mail message; please do not respond to this e-mail.

Click the link provided in the e-mail. After clicking the link, enter your User ID and click the “Unlock Account” button.

The security question screen will appear.  Enter your answers to the security questions posed and click the “Continue” button.  You will then have a screen appear, with the message in red that reads “Account has been successfully unlocked.” Press the “Continue” button. After pressing the “Continue” button, you will be taken to the CentreSuite sign-on screen. Enter your user ID and password and click the “Log On” button to be taken to your CentreSuite home screen.

Resetting Security Questions
If you cannot remember the answers you provided to CentreSuite Security Questions, your administrator has the ability to reset your Security Questions.  When your Security Questions have been reset by your administrator, you will be asked to setup new security questions and answers after your next login to CentreSuite.  Please contact your program administrator for more information.

Security Question Tips:
- When providing answers to security questions, please only use letters and numbers without extra spaces (more than 1 space between words) or special characters in your responses. Answers to security questions are not case sensitive.
- You must provide a unique answer to each of your selected security questions.

Password Reminder

To receive a password reminder, click the “Forgot your password?” link on the left side of the screen under “Additional Information”.  Enter your user ID and e-mail address and click the “Submit” button.

An e-mail has been sent which will have instructions to complete the process. Click the “Continue” button to return to the CentreSuite sign-on screen, and check your e-mail.

You will receive an e-mail from notifications@centresuite.com that contains your password hint that looks like this:

Below is the information you requested:
Your Hint is: (your password hint will show here)
If you still have trouble accessing the application, contact your program administrator.
If the password hint you originally supplied helps you remember your password, sign on with your user ID and password.

Resetting Your Password

If the password hint provided in the previous step does not help you remember your password, you may reset your password.  To reset your password, click the link on the home screen that says “Unlock/Reset Your Password” and follow the same steps as you would for unlocking your user ID except when you view the screen below, click the button marked “Reset Password” instead of the button marked “Unlock Account”.  Follow the rest of the steps to receive an e-mail from notifications@centresuite.com that will contain a new, temporary password.  Use that temporary password to sign on to CentreSuite. Note that you will be prompted to change that temporary password upon your next sign in.