Cost-Sharing Across Departments
If there are instances where a budget code should be charged but the requester does not have access to that account: the correct steps are:
- Obtain approval (e-mail) from the budget manager to charge their budget code
- Enter the voucher request in the Portal, and put the full amount to a code you do have access to
- In the comments section of the voucher, indicate how the voucher should be charged out (budget codes and amounts)
- Print off the voucher confirmation, attach the approval from step 1, and highlight the comment from step 3
- Send to Business Office as usual; Accounts Payable will adjust voucher accordingly
If the expense is above $1,500 and requires a purchase order, the steps are similar, but instead of sending a voucher to the Business Office, send the requisition to Purchasing.
If making purchases with a department or travel card, please code to the correct account(s) directly in CentreSuite. There is also an allocation feature in CentreSuite if a purchase needs to be coded across multiple budget codes.
We strive to have transactions coded correctly from the beginning to limit the time and resources needed to make adjustments after payment has been made. Please contact Janet Rowe at X5575 with any questions.