Services for Faculty

CITA can support your teaching and work as a faculty member in an individualized capacity.  Please reach out via email to set up a meeting for any of the services below.


You can schedule a classroom observation, at the end of which I will provide a letter highlighting strengths and providing formative feedback on questions of interest to you.  These letters will not be shared by CITA with anyone except the faculty member requesting the observation (though, of course, you can use the letter as you deem fit!).

Reading evaluations can be hard.  Helpful responses and meaningful trends can be drowned out by just a few less-than-helpful comments.  You can schedule a meeting with me to review your evaluations with you, and to help identify what feedback is worth further consideration.

Have questions about your tenure case you'd rather ask someone who is not part of your review process?  Need a perspective on how you are presenting your research or teaching to someone not in your discipline?  I'm happy to sit down together and provide a resource for any questions you have about preparing your materials for a tenure or mid-probationary review. 

Is your department working on a new assessment project, reviewing the results of a past project, or considering the implications of assessment you've already done?  I am happy work with chairs or join department meetings at any stage in the assessment process to make sure that you are collecting useful information through sustainable processes.

More broadly, if you need someone to bounce teaching ideas off of, or need a sympathetic ear to help problem solve a challenging classroom situation, or have any other need for a teaching conversation, reach out!