Grace House

Grace House at Canton

Point of Contact: Brenda Papineau

Agency and Placement Location:  11 East Main Street Canton, NY 13617

Mission:  According to its website, "Grace House is a transitional, supportive living environment for six women in early recovery from addictive disorders. The women live together in a family-like setting with the support of a “house mother” who mentors and guides them toward the final steps of reintegration into full community life."

"Inside the house women will learn how to live and work together collaboratively. The residents will be assigned daily tasks that contribute to the daily rhythm of the household. They will learn how spend their days productively working toward their personal goals. They will develop, and adhere to daily routine, including consistent wake/sleep times. They will learn how to skillfully cook, and clean, sew, knit, paint, and crochet – perhaps not always for themselves, but to gift others. They will be encouraged to develop thoughtful ways of interacting with one another and those in the larger community. There will some opportunity to garden and learn house repair.  Each woman will learn how to manage her life responsibly, by making and keeping her regular appointments, adhering to her own customized service plan, and furthermore will be encouraged to seek out life enriching experiences that will promote both spiritual growth, and competence in various aspects of life. Many volunteers have offered their services in many ways to share their knowledge and expertise with the women residents."

Projects: TBD

Agency Requirements: TBD
