Ogdensburg Boys & Girls Club
Agency and Placement Location: 610 Patterson Street, Ogdensburg, NY 13669 (approximately 20 miles from campus)
Transportation: TBD
Mission: According to their website, "The Boys & Girls Club is a positive place for kids! The Ogdensburg Boys & Girls Club was established in 1964 by a group of people that believed a place was needed to serve boys of the Ogdensburg area to provide them with educational, recreational, social, and other positive traits. Admitting the first ever girl in 1975, today the Ogdensburg Boys & Girls Club serves over 1,000 boys and girls a year from Ogdensburg and throughout St. Lawrence County."
Projects: Students can assist with any of the following program areas:
- STE(A)M Activities (*A is for Arts)
- Homework
- Fun with Fitness/Gym
- Reading Club
- Conflict Resolution (Drama Matters curriculum)
- Provide lessons on a special talent or hobby
Agency Requirements:
- Volunteer Application
- Online Trainings
- Background Check
- Interview w/director; review of policy & procedure