Paula Youmell, RN, Lifestyle Medicine Educator

Paula Youmell, RN, Lifestyle Medicine Educator

Not Available for fall 2024

Community Mentor:

Agency and Placement Location:

Mission: According to its website: Paula Youmell, RN, MS, Wise Woman Nurse is to support clients and students to reach vital health through lifestyle medicine education that is based in natural health: Principles of Functional Medicine, Whole Food Nutrition Education, Community Herbalism, Yoga, & Energy Medicine. Sacred Circle Health Education from a Wise Woman Nurse® Perspective steeped in Functional Medicine, Herbs, Yoga, Energy Medicine, & Nature because We ARE Nature. 


  • 1 on 1 health coaching process for 1-2 sessions to experience working on a personal health goal / lifestyle medicine change
  • Sacred Circle Mentorship participation, Tuesdays in February 10-11:15 AM
  • Beginner's Yoga teachings over zoom
  • Intro to natural healing modalities
  • Making Herbal Medicine, simple tincture preparation

Agency Requirement:  Fill out, sign, & return a privacy / confidentiality form
