International Economics-French Combined Major


Economics - 7.5 units
ECON100 Introduction to Economics* - 1 unit
ECON 200 Quantitative Methods in Economics** - 1.5 units
ECON 251 Intermediate Microeconomics Theory - 1 unit
ECON 252 Intermediate Macroeconomics Theory - 1 unit
THREE electives in Economics. At least two of which must be at the 300/400 level. - 3 units
     At least two of these electives must include:
          ECON 236 Globalization Issues
          ECON 322 International Economics
          ECON 336 Economic Development

French*** - 7 units
SEVEN units at the 103 or higher level. 

*This course may be omitted with advanced placement credit or other advanced standing.
**Stat 113 is a prerequisite for ECON 200
***Students already proficient at the intermediate level will receive credit for 103 and 104 (2 units) upon completion of a higher level course in this language.

In addition to maintaining a 2.0 university-wide cumulative average, students majoring in the International Economics - French combined major must maintain a 2.0 cumulative average on all economics and French studies courses taken and must earn at least a 2.0 in Economics 251 and Economics 252. Economics 251 and 252 must be taken at St. Lawrence before the end of the junior year. Accounting 203 and 204 as well as Economics 108 and 115 do not count towards the combined major. Although not required, participation in an abroad program related to one's language specialization is strongly recommended.

Graduation with honors may be recommended upon the basis of grades, the completion of an honors project approved and supervised by a faculty member, and an oral presentation on the thesis. Students who expect to undertake such a program should consult with the chairs of the Economics and Modern Languages departments in the last term of their junior year.

How to declare this major:

  1. QUALIFY. You must have a 2.0 GPA in both Economics and Modern Languages, as well as a 2.0 or higher in Economics 251 and 252 if you have taken either course.
  2. APPROVAL. You will need meet with an economics faculty member and have their approval as your Economics Advisor. You will also need to find an advisor in MODERN LANGUAGES.
  3. TRANSCRIPT. Download a copy of your unofficial transcript from APR 2.0. You will need to upload it as part of the major declaration form (Step 5). 
  4. CONTRACT. Complete the online contract. International Economics-French Combined Major Contract
  5. MAJOR DECLARATION FORM. This online form must be completed through the Slate system from advising:  Please upload the unofficial copy of your transcript as you complete the major declaration form.