November 2018 Safety Committee Minutes





Chairperson:      Bill Ritchie, Co-Chair


Present:               Pat Gagnon, Co-Chair, Kasarian Dane, Jim Kozsan, Susan Johnson (secretary), Suna Stone, Ethan Townsend, Sharmela Garcia-Martin, Timothy Corbitt, Nick Ormasen, Stacie Olney-LaPierre, Tim Kinch, Marsha Sawyer, Mary Charleston, Zemichael Habtegiorgis, Eric Shinnick and Jill Pflugheber


Apologies:            David Geleta, Dan Seaman, David Richer, Stacy Vassar and Marcus Sherburne


Open comments, introductions and guests


Our new student representative Zemichael Habtegiorgis


Approval of the Minutes


Eric and Ethan


Old Business:


  1. Identify our accessibility entrances, elevators and ADA parking spaces and then develop a procedure to notify when we have accessibility failure for alternative accommodations – Committee to review GIS maps
  2. Concern over C lot shrubbery obstructing view exiting the lot – Sharmela. Jim and Marcus will solve. All shrubbery has been removed from C Lot parking islands

3.      NYS Fire Inspections are in full swing; week two of academic buildings; 50% completed. Inspections of the Residence Halls will begin at the end of October – Bill  Inspections still in full swing; hope to be done with residence halls today and hoping to be done with all buildings by 1/1/19

4.      The Emergency Planning team had a meeting and tabletop on September 19th  with the annual Titus trip being the event and weather conditions causing accidents with many injured and a fatality. They will be conducting a shelter-in-place drill in the near future; an email announcement will be made – Pat   Shelter in place drill announcement went out on 10/8/18 and the actual drill took place on 10/10/18. Many good ideas and suggestions came out of the drill; John O’Connor and Pat will come up with a plan to clear the Student Center; some on campus did not take it seriously and ignored the warnings. It was suggested that another drill be conducted because this did make a lot of people think of what they would do and where they could go

5.      Ice guards on entryways of several buildings on campus need to be addressed. Main entry of Dana is a great concern.  – Tim K.  Jim K, Bill R. and Tim K. to do a walk thru and identify & correct trouble areas.  There will be adjustments to the Dana gable roofing at the entrance; snow guards will be put at both entrances of Carnegie; Dean Eaton will continue to be actively maintained when there is snow and ice buildup

6.     Suna requested review of the Drone policy at the next meeting. Certified people only can fly drones; we can lose federal funding if this is violated; all contractors and other professionals requesting drone privileges will need to be vetted

New Business:


  1. The State Fire Inspector brought it to Bill’s attention during fire inspections that we need to have a permit for any tent that exceeds 400 sq. ft.




1.      Marcus S. and Pat G. met with Becky Allen from SLC Public Health to discuss becoming a POD location again. They will work on an MOU and keep the committee advised.



Future Meetings:

The next Safety Committee meeting will be held in the Torrey Conference Room, located in the Diana Torrey Health and Counseling Center from 9am-10am, December 7th, 2018. 


It is requested that any new business to be added to the Agenda be forwarded to Susan Johnson no later than November 30, 2018.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.  




Susan C. Johnson

Assistant to the AVP of Safety & Security and

Emergency Management

Safety & Security

St. Lawrence University | Canton, NY 13617 | 315-229-5010/5554