Shoes for Crews

Shoes for crews is a program that SLU has implemented to promote safety in the workplace by making available quality footwear at discounted cost for employees. 

Shoes can be ordered by stopping by the Purchasing Office located in the warehouse.   

Full-Time Permanent SLU Employees

Full-time permanent employees follow the same rules as all SLU employees.  The first pair of shoes is paid for by the University.  For the second pair of shoes, the university pays ½ and the employee pays ½ by payroll deduction or check.  There is a limit of 2 pairs of shoes every 6 months.


  • First pair cost $60.  SLU pays $60 and employee pays $0.

  • Employee gets two pairs at once (first and second).  One pair cost $60 and the other costs $50.  SLU pays for the first pair ($60) and pays half of the second pair ($25), employee pays ½ of second pair ($25).

All Temporary Employees

The university will pay for the first pair of shoes up to $50.  If the first pair is more than $50 then the employee pays the difference.

The most SLU will pay is $50 toward any pair of shoes. 

SLU will pay ½ of the cost per pair after the 1st pair. 

Temporary Employees only are eligible for 1 pair of shoes every 6 months.

Temporary Employees must pay by check.


  • The first pair costs $60, SLU pays $50 and employee pays $10.

  • The first pair costs $40, SLU pays $40 and employee pays $0.

  • The second pair costs $60.  SLU pays $30 and employee pays $30.

  • The second pair costs $40.  SLU pays $20 and employee pays $20.

  • Second pair costs $110.  SLU pays $50 and employee pays $60.