October 2018 Safety Committee minutes




Chairperson:       Pat Gagnon, Co-Chair


Present:                Bill Ritchie, Co-Chair, Kasarian Dane, Jim Kozsan, Susan Johnson (secretary), Suna Stone, Ethan Townsend, Sharmela Garcia-Martin, Timothy Corbitt, David Geleta, Stacie Olney-LaPierre, Tim Kinch, Marsha Sawyer, Mary Charleston, Eric Shinnick and Jill Pflugheber


Apologies:            Nick Ormasen, Dan Seaman, David Richer, Stacy Vassar and Marcus Sherburne


Open comments, introductions and guests


Approval of the Minutes


Bill and Mary


Old Business:


1.        Evacuation diagrams are now required in all dormitories/student housing per NYS Fire Code. The diagram is required to show two evacuation routes and is to be posted on or immediately adjacent to each egress door from each sleeping unit. There are currently 1,438 residential rooms on campus, including the Theme Houses. Environmental Health and Safety is working with SLU GIS Dep’t and Facilities Operations on creating necessary diagrams. The deadline for this requirement is 8/31/18. By the end of the month everything should be digitized and the August deadline is looking good. These have all been posted; a total of 1,450; project completed. 


2.        Park Street Lighting has been approved in the second tranche of the capital process and we anticipate a summer of 2018 installation of new LED lighting and new poles.  The LED lighting and poles will mirror our proto-type which is located at the crosswalk near 53 Park Street.  The second phase of the project will consist of new stamped crosswalks and painting which will be contingent on approval within the capital process.  90% of bases have been poured and Augsbury Circle has two new poles already installed.  The majority of new lamp heads are up; 50% complete. This has been completed; getting good feedback from the community; the stamped walks and reflective paint really make a difference along with the LED lighting and new fluted poles.


New Business:


1.      Identify our accessibility entrances, elevators and ADA parking spaces and then develop a procedure to notify when we have accessibility failure for alternative accommodations – Sharmela

2.      Concern over C lot shrubbery obstructing view exiting the lot – Sharmela. Jim and Marcus will solve.

3.      NYS Fire Inspections are in full swing; week two of academic buildings; 50% completed. Inspections of the Residence Halls will begin at the end of October - Bill

4.      The Emergency Planning team had a meeting and tabletop on September 19th  with the annual Titus trip being the event and weather conditions causing accidents with many injured and a fatality. They will be conducting a shelter-in-place drill in the near future; an email announcement will be made – Pat

5.      Ice guards on entryways of several buildings on campus need to be addressed. Main entry of Dana is a great concern.  – Tim K.  Jim K, Bill R. and Tim K. to do a walk thru and identify & correct trouble areas.

6.      Looking for student representation for this committee; John Robert O’Connor to reach out to THELMO for a delegate to represent.

7.      Suna requested review of the Drone policy at the next meeting.

8.      Sharmela inquired about the status of the lighting on road leading to B lot and parking lot.  Jim advised that Billy D. has re-lamped with LED fixtures the entire road which goes from Romoda Drive leading toward B lot.  There were a total of seven light fixtures which were re-lamped with LED fixtures.




1.      Marcus S. and Pat G. met with Becky Allen from SLC Public Health to discuss becoming a POD location again. They will work on an MOU and keep the committee advised.



Future Meetings:

The next Safety Committee meeting will be held in the Torrey Conference Room, located in the Diana Torrey Health and Counseling Center from 9am-10am, November 2nd, 2018.  It is requested that any new business to be added to the Agenda be forwarded to Susan Johnson no later than October 26, 2018.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.  



Susan C. Johnson

Assistant to the AVP of Safety & Security and

Emergency Management

Safety & Security

St. Lawrence University | Canton, NY 13617 | 315-229-5010/5554