Radiation Safety Officer RSO and Radiation Safety Committee



Radiation Safety Officer Responsibility


Radiation Safety Committee Responsibility


 Responsibility and administration: The president of St. Lawrence University is responsible for all aspects of radiation safety, including both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. The president shall be fully aware of the regulations and guidelines for such safety matters and designates authority for the conduct of a radiation safety program to the radiation safety officer (RSO) of the university. The RSO is appointed by the president and will report to the president through the Vice President of Academic Affairs.


The RSO at St. Lawrence University Alana Belkevich, who is also the Microscopy Technician. She can be contacted at 315-229-5645 or E-mail abelkevich@stlawu.edu The RSO is authorized to select a Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) choosing members with particular expertise in radiation matters and at least one member as an administrative representative. The RSO, with the support of the RSC, will conduct a comprehensive radiation safety program that is compliant with state and federal laws.



The RSO will chair the RSC.

The RSO will monitor all activities involving radioactive material, including routine monitoring and special surveys of all areas in which radioactive material is used.

The RSO will determine compliance with rules and regulations, license conditions and the conditions of project approval specified by the radiation safety committee.

The RSO will monitor and maintain absolute control of the use, storage or disposal of radioactive material.

The RSO will provide consultation on all aspects of radiation protection to personnel at all levels of responsibility.

The RSO will receive, deliver, and open all shipments of radioactive material arriving at the institution and receive, package and ship all radioactive material leaving the institution.

The RSO will distribute and process personnel monitoring equipment, determine the need for an evaluation of bioassays, keep personnel exposure and bioassay records, and notify individuals and their supervisors of exposures approaching maximum permissible amounts and recommend appropriate remedial action.

The RSO will conduct training programs and otherwise instruct personnel in the proper procedures for the use of radioactive material prior to use and as required by changes in procedures, equipment, and regulations.

The RSO will have the authority to terminate immediately a project that is found to be a threat to health or property.

The RSO will supervise and coordinate the radioactive waste disposal program, including keeping documenting storage and disposal records and monitoring effluents.

The RSO will maintain an inventory of all radioactive materials at the university and will limit the quantity of radionuclides to within the limits set forth in the license.

The RSO will perform leak tests on all sealed sources and maintain records accordingly.

The RSO will perform leak tests on all radiation producing instruments/equipment registered at the institution including electron microscopes and X-Ray diffraction units.

The RSO will implement in letter and spirit, the concepts and regulations set forth in the ALARA program.

The RSO will maintain other records not specifically designated above (i.e., receipt, transfer and survey records as required by Section 16.14 of 10 NYCRR 16).

The RSO will report annually to the campus safety committee on the relevant activities and operation of the RSC.



The Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) is composed of the following members:

Alana Belkevich - Radiation Safety Officer - Biology
Dr. Michael Temkin - Biology
Dr. Nadia Marano - Chemistry
Mr. Chuck Crawford - Science Technician
Mr. Patrick Gagnon - University Safety Officer - Administration

Alana Belkevich is the RSO and will chair the RSC.

Dr. Temkin has experience in the use of several isotopes. He assumes the duties of the RSO when she is unavailable. His training and experience were detailed in a letter dated September 21, 1998 to amend our license to include him as a licensed user in Item 10, documented as Amendment 16 dated February 2, 1999.

Dr. Marano is one of the licensed users of radioactive materials and her training and experience is as detailed in a letter dated August 26, 1992 requesting that she be added to our license as a licensed user in Item No. 10, documented as Amendment No. 11 dated January 13, 1993.

Mr. R. Matte is the administrative appointment to the RSC and communicates the activities of the committee to the university administration.



The Committee is responsible for:

Ensuring that all individuals who work with or in the vicinity of radioactive material have sufficient training and experience to enable them to perform their duties safely and in accordance with Department regulations and the conditions of this license.

Ensuring that all use of radioactive material is conducted in a safe manner and in accordance with Department regulations and the conditions of the license.


The Committee shall:

Be familiar with all pertinent New York State Health Department regulations, the terms of the license, and information submitted in support of the request for the license and its amendments.

Review the training and experience of all individuals who use radioactive material and determine that their qualifications are sufficient to enable them to perform their duties safely and in accordance with New York State Health Department regulations and the conditions of the license.

Be responsible for monitoring the institution's program to maintain individual and collective doses as low as reasonable achievable.

Review semi-annually, with the assistance of the Radiation Safety Officer, occupational radiation exposure records of all personnel working with radioactive materials.

Establish a table of investigational levels for occupational radiation exposure, which when exceeded, will initiate an investigation and consideration of action by the Radiation Safety Officer.

Establish a program to ensure that all individuals whose duties may require them to work in the vicinity of radioactive material (e.g., security and housekeeping personnel) are properly instructed as required by Section 16.13, New York State Sanitary Code (10 NYCRR 16).

Review and approve all requests for use of radioactive material within the institution.

Prescribe special conditions that will be required during a proposed use of radioactive material such as requirements for bioassays, physical examinations of users, and special monitoring procedures.

Review the entire radiation safety program at least annually to determine that all activities are being conducted safely and in accordance with New York State Health Department regulations and the conditions of the license. The review shall include an examination of all records, reports from the Radiation Safety Officer, results of New York State Health Department inspection, written safety procedures, and the adequacy of the institution's management control system.

Recommend remedial action to correct any deficiencies identified in the radiation safety program.

Maintain written records of all Committee meetings, actions, recommendations, and decisions.

Ensure that the radioactive materials license is amended, when necessary, prior to any changes in facilities, equipment, policies, procedures, radioactive material, possession limits, and personnel, as specified in the license.


1. The Radiation Safety Committee shall meet as often as necessary to conduct its business, but not less than twice per year.

2. A quorum shall consist of at least one-half of the Committee's membership, including the Radiation Safety Officer and the management representative.