Utilities and Energy Management

Central Heating Plant
The Facilities Operations Central Heating and Air Conditioning work group manage, control, and deliver steam to the campus via underground piping from its origin at the Central Heating Plant to campus buildings where it is used to heat our spaces, and produce domestic hot water for showers, cooking, etc.  The fuel used to produce our steam is primarily natural gas.  This gas originates in western Canada and then it is piped across the continent to Cornwall, Ontario.  It then traverses the St. Lawrence River to Massena, N.Y. and onto Canton and our Central Heating Plant. (map?)  In addition to steam production for heating the campus, the steam plant produces around 1,000 MW annually with a 350KW steam turbine/generator.

Heating and Cooling
In most instances, temperature management of indoor environments is governed by central controls monitored by the central plant.  Campus cooling is not as critical to our area and is restricted to only a few buildings.

Winter Season
The targeted temperature for most spaces is 68 - 70°F.  Due to building characteristics and control limitations, actual temperatures will vary slightly.  Wherever feasible, nighttime and weekend temperatures will be reduced to approximately 60°F. Temperatures in storerooms, hallways, stairwells, and other unoccupied areas will also be kept in the 60°F range.

The only exceptions to these guidelines will be in laboratories, experimental areas, art galleries, and other spaces where there is a demonstrated work requirement for maintenance of higher or more consistent temperatures.  Electric heaters to supplement central heating are allowed only with the authorization of Facilities Operations.  These devices can be dangerous if misused and will be allowed only under controlled circumstances.  Windows should not be opened during the winter to cool spaces.  The Central Heating Plant (229-5205) or the Facilities Operations Department (229-5601) should be consulted whenever under or overheating occur.

Summer Season
Except for a relatively few days during the summer season, ventilation from fans and open windows is generally a satisfactory means to maintain reasonable working conditions in most spaces.

In areas where air conditioning systems have been installed, the targeted temperature will be 76°F. Exceptions to this air conditioning guideline may need to be made to meet defined laboratory, experimental, library, or art requirements. Due to building characteristics and control limitations, actual temperatures may vary from the target.

Any deviations from the above standards must be reviewed by the Facilities Operations Department.