Colleague Account Numbers

Colleague Account Numbers consist of 15 numbers; the first 10 are the cost center, and the last 5 are the type of revenue or expense.

Account Number Structure:


   X              XX                 XX               XXXXX        XXXXX

Each component of the account number is required to report and track the university's revenue/expense/asset/liabilities in accordance with board and government requirements.

FUND - Indicates level of restriction and whether ending year net assets roll separately to new years.

  • 1   Unrestricted
  • 2   Designated
  • 3   Temporarily Restricted
  • 4   Permanently Restricted

DIVISION - Indicates what division or purpose the activity pertains to.

  • 00  General
  • 01  President's Office
  • 02  Academic Affairs
  • 03  Student Life
  • 04  Advancement
  • 05  Finance
  • 06  Admissions
  • 07  Library
  • 08  IT
  • 09  Athletics
  • 10  Facilities
  • 11  Dining
  • 12  Bookstore
  • 14  NCPR
  • 15  Community & Employee Relations
  • 16  University Communications
  • 50  Endowment
  • 60  Deferred Gifts
  • 80  Benefits
  • 91  Student Activities

FUNCTION - Used for expense transactions to classify the expense category for financial statement reporting purposes.

  • 00  General
  • 01  Instruction
  • 02  Research
  • 03  Public Services
  • 04  Academic Support
  • 05  Student Services
  • 06  Institutional Support
  • 07  Operation & Maintenance of Plant
  • 08  Student Financial Aid
  • 09  Auxiliaries
  • 89  Capital Projects
  • 91  Agency
  • 99  Pre-July

UNIT - Used to indicate unique department, gift, endowment, capital project, etc.

  • Unit contains 5 characters, the first 3 will indicate the responsible department, i.e. all Biology Units begin 100.
  • When viewing accounts on line, Colleague will display unit number and name.

OBJECT - Used to indicate type of revenue, expense, asset or liabilities and the codes are used consistently across all units. 

Object contains 5 numbers and the first number indicates type as follows:

  • 1  Asset
  • 2  Liability
  • 3  Net Assets
  • 4  Revenue
  • 5  Expenses

Click here for a list of object codes