Senior Thesis

Senior thesis study is undertaken voluntarily by students who wish to conduct original research in a close working relationship with one or more geology faculty members. (See also Honors in the Curriculum section of the Catalog). A 3.5 average upon completion of all courses in the major and the completed senior thesis chaired by a member of the geology faculty are both needed for the distinction of honors. The senior thesis course (Geology 489,490) may be taken regardless of a student’s average in the major if permission of a faculty member is obtained. Thesis work is expected to lead to a finished research project (thesis) for appropriate credit. The department wishes to encourage its students to consider a senior thesis as part of a capstone experience to their undergraduate program in geology. Senior thesis work should be undertaken only after careful discussion with faculty advisors in the department.


Anuva Anannya - Detection of Fe/Mg Phyllosilicates in Landslides Situated within Impact Craters in the Tyrhenna Terra Region on Mars
Advisor: Dr. Stewart


Claire E. Bartlett - Analysis of coarse-woody debris in four Adirondack Mountain catchments: potential implications for palaeoclimate work
Advisor: Dr. Stewart

Gretchen A. Wambach - Evaluation of measurement data across eight GIS basemaps using drumlins: combination of shaded and topographic as an optimal basemap
Advisor: Dr. Stewart


Calum A. Perry - Estimating erosion rates using exposed roots at a recreation site, Grass River, Canton, NY
Advisor: Dr. Stewart

Riley E. Whitney - Boulder-top birch trees as a means of dating a rockfall event: Wishbone Hill, Southcentral Alaska
Advisor: Dr. Stewart

Oscar A. Wilkerson - Influence of water depth and hydrodynamics on habitat and facies distribution in a Tropical, mixed carbonate-siliciclastic lagoon, Little Laughland Bay, Jamauca
Advisor: Dr. Husinec


Madeleine Frank - Accommodating color vision deficiency in the geosciences.
Advisor: Dr. Toraman

Kari Lapierre - Identifying Caedichnus ichnofossil in freshwater gastropods.
Advisor: Dr. Nagel-Myers

Zoe E Soule - Grain-size analysis as a proxy for resolving Holocene palaeostorm events: Heart Lake and Moose Pond, Adirondacks, New York.
Advisor: Dr. Stewart

Sandra L. Walser - Earthquake-Rotated Headstones as a Means of Re-evaluating Epicentral Location of the 1944 Massena-Cornwall Earthquake: New York, Us and Ontario, CA.
Advisor: Dr. Stewart


Elliot P. Boyd - Stratigraphic and Leaf-Wax Analysis of Heart Lake and East Pine Pond, Adirondack Mountains, NY.
Advisor: Dr. Stewart

Helen A. Eifert - Leaf Waxes in Lake Sediment: Stratigrapic Histories of Heart Lake and Moose Pond, Adirondack Mountains, NY.
Advisor: Dr. Stewart

Margaret S. Musser - Kettle Hole Development Following the 2010 Glacial Outburst Flood in Gigjokull, Eyjafjallajokull, Iceland: A Projection of Minimal Ice Loss.
Advisor: Dr. Stewart

John Russell St. Denny - Interpreting Kinematics and Deformational Conditions Along the Carthage-Colton Mylonite Zone, Adirondack Mountains, New York, Utilizing Microstructures in Feldspar.
Advisor: Dr. Toraman


Austin Hart - Reconstructing Late Holocene Summer Lake-Water Temperature Changes on Amsterdamoya, Svalbard.
Advisor: Dr. Chiarenzelli


Stephen DelGaudio - Constraining The Timing And Kinematics Of Deformation In The Adirondacks: Microstructural Analysis Of The Colton Cathage Shear Zone, St. Lawrence County, New York.
Advisor: Dr. Toraman

Jaleigh Q. Pier - Gastropod Body Size Increase In Response To Late Eocene Climatic Cooling Of Antarctica.
Advisor: Dr. Nagel-Myers

Rudolf J. Bentlage - Intensities Of Drilling Predation On Bivalves Around Oil Platforms In The Southern Persian (Arabian) Gulf.
Advisor: Dr. Nagel-Myers

Grant W. Reeder - Crushing Predation On Bivalve Species: Finite Element Analysis Of Durophagous Predator-Prey Interactions.
Advisor: Dr. Nagel-Myers

Cullen LaPoint - Morphometric Analysis Of Shape Changes In A Middle Devonian Pterioid Bivalve Lineage.
Advisor: Dr. Nagel-Myers

Melanie R. Swick - Preliminary Dendrochronological Investigation Using Historical-Structure Lumber: A Repository For The Pre-Settlement Environment, Northwestern Adirondacks.
Advisor: Dr. Stewart

William C. Moynihan - Coated-Grain Dominated Facies Of Jurassic Upper Toarcian-Early Aalenian Carbonates, Adriatic Carbonate Platform, Croatia.
Advisor: Dr. Husinec


Catherine E. Heinrich - Dendrogeomorphic Evidence Of Frequent Mass Wasting From Reaction Wood In Black Spruce, Northway Jct., Alaskan Interior.
Advisor: Dr. Stewart


Michele E. Goldberg - Modern Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Depositional Environment of the Salem Bay, Jamaica.
Advisor: Dr. Husinec

Bryn W. Keenhold - Post-Glacial Signature of Fox Fen, Northwestern Adirondacks:  Correlation to Brandreth Bog and Ballston Lake, Adirondacks.
Advisor: Dr. Stewart

Roselyne C. Laboso - Weekly Monitoring of River Chemistry in St. Lawrence County, New York.
Advisor: Dr. Chiarenzelli

Thomas D. Lockwood - Facies Change Along the Margin of a Deep-Marine Terminal Splay, Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup, British Columbia, Canada.
Advisor: Dr. Husinec

Saddie R. Serviss - Chronology Development and Climate Response of Pinus Strobus L., Crooked Lake, Adirondacks, New York:  April Showers Bring Narrow Rings?
Advisor: Dr. Stewart


Aaron Chesler - Juneau Icefield Model of Glacier Flow: Evidence for Adirondack Valley.
Advisor: Dr. Stewart

Peter A. Christoffersen - Deformation Structures of the Carthage-Colton Shear Zone (CCSZ) at Stone Valley, Colton, New York.
Advisor: Dr. Krantzman

Ashley K. Durham - Archean Volcanic and Sedimentary Sequence in the Tyrell Township in the Southern Superior Provice.
Advisor: Dr. Chiarenzelli

Samuel W. Lagor - The Transition from Coronitic Metagabbro to Garnetiferous Jamphibolite in Newcomb, Adirondack Mountains, New York - Implications for the Grenville Orogen
Advisor: Dr. Chiarenzelli


Jake Colony - Dolomitization of the Upper Ordovician B and C uintervals of the Red River Formation, Williston Basin, North Dakota.
Advisor: Dr. Husinec

Emma A. Coronado - XRD analysis of sediment-core material as a provenance indicator of neogloacial activity in a high tropical setting of the Western Peruvian Andes.
Advisor: Dr. Stewart

Hannah L. Cowan - The paleobiology of Rafinesquina alternata.
Advisor: Dr. J. Mark Erickson

Krystyna M. Kornecki - Caenogastropoda from the Cannonball Formation (Paleocene), North Dakota, and their implications for paleobiogeography.
Advisor: Dr. J. Mark Erickson


John T. Murphy, Jr. - An Investigation of Stream Chemistry Variability of Watersheds in Central St. Lawrence County, New York
Advisor: Dr. Chiarenzelli

Benjamin Rendall - Records of New and Rare Echinoids from the Pierre Shale -- Fox Hills Transition (Late Cretaceous: Campanian-Maastrichtian) of the WIlliston Basin.
Advisor: Dr. J. Mark Erickson


David Mosher - Geochemical, Textural, and Isotope Study of the Devonian Marcellus Shale.
Advisor: Dr. Chiarenzelli

Sean Regan - Magmatic evolution beneath Laurentia during Shawinigan Orogenesis: Southern Grenville Province, Adirondacks.
Advisor: Dr. Chiarenzelli


Charles A. Harman - Aptian Platform—Interior Facies Stacking Patterns: Adriatic Platform, Croatia.
Advisor: Dr. Husinec

Michael E. O’Connor - An Investigation of the Geochemistry and Groundwater Quality in St. Lawrence County.
Advisor: Dr. Chiarenzelli

Rafferty J. Sweeney - Facies Cyclicity of Barremian Peritidal Deposits, Southern Adriatic Platform, Croatia
Advisor: Dr. Husinec

Michael Trumbower - Adirondack Lake Chemistry Revisited: What Changes Can We Observe Over the Last 20 Years?
Advisor: Dr. Chiarenzelli


David M. Baker - Morphological Analyses of Mesas and Knobs in the Northwest Fretted Terrain: Deuteronilus Mensae Region, Mars
Advisor: Dr. Stewart

Evan J. Blumberg - Geochemical Characterization of Shale Samples from the Argillaceous Rock Atlas
Advisor: Dr. Chiarenzelli

Brian A. Congiu - An Investigation of the Water Quality of Lakes and Ponds in St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties in Northern New York State: Influence of Shoreline Development and Bedrock Geology
Advisor: Dr. Chiarenzelli

Anna S. Harrod - Geomorphic evidence of catastrophic flooding in northern New York
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Wade Tyler Jones - Generation of skeletal sand and silt by bioerosion of bryozoan zoaria in the type Cincinnatian Series of Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Maggie Jane Simmons - Fossil chironomids (Diptera) as proxies for Early Holocene paleotemperatures at Glovers Pond, New Jersey
Advisor: Dr. Erickson 

Mathew J. Zabik - Inorganic Geochemistry and Drinking Water Quality of Groundwater in St. Lawrence County, New York
Advisor: Dr. Chiarenzelli

Katharine Zubin-Stathopoulos - Fossil chironomids (Diptera:Chironomidae) as paleo- environmental proxies describing the Allerød and Younger Dryas at Glovers Pond, New Jersey
Advisor: Dr. Erickson


William Hackett - An examination of the changing geologic conditions in a valley of former solution brine mining fields - Tully Valley, New York.
Advisor: Dr. Robinson

Brian J. Hanson - SEM Analysis of Quartz Grains to Determine if V-Pits Indicate Specific Depositional Environments
Advisor: Dr. Burns

Kyle Littlefield - Darcy’s Law - an investigation into operating principals and modern derivation.
Advisor: Dr. Robinson

Robert Menard - Postglacial drainage evolution of the Oswegatchie, Grass, Raquette, and St. Regis Rivers, St. Lawrence County, New York.
Advisor: Dr. Erickson


Bradley Bardon - Investigating Quaternary sedimentation in Adirondack lakes using ground penetrating radar.
Advisor: Dr. Robinson

Kevin Emblidge - An investigation of Adirondack debris flows using GIS.
Advisor: Dr. Burns

Benjamin Meade - Interpreting lacustrine sediments using ground penetrating radar in Black Lake, St. Lawrence County, New York.
Advisor: Dr. Robinson

Noah Noyes - Analysis of microhabitats and their associated oribatid mite assemblages at Glover’s Pond, New Jersey.
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Camille Partin - Reconstruction of peatland succession from macrofossils in permafrost-affected peatlands in the Mackenzie River Valley, Canada.
Advisor: Dr. Robinson

Stephanie Peek - Evaluating the effectiveness of Flinn’s K-value and Lode’s ratio using the synthetic data and field data collected from the Weverton Quartzite, Harper’s Ferry, WV.
Advisor: Dr. Strine

Trisha Smrecak - A paleobotanical and biostratigraphic assessment of the eastern Hell Creek Formation, North Dakota.
Advisor: Dr. Erickson


Travis Aubry - Multivariate analysis of unionoid mussel distributions in St. Lawrence lowland drainages with emphasis on local geology.
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Matthew Burton-Kelly - An analysis of multiple trackways of Protichnites Owen, 1852, from the Potsdam sandstone (Late Cambrian) St. Lawrence Valley, New York.
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Joanne Cavallerano - Extension of the Dead Creek distributary of the Missisquoi River, Lake Champlain, Vermont.
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Jordan Davis - Subsurface investigation of the internal architecture of the Massawepie esker and possible geomorphic influences of the surrounding terrain.
Advisor: Dr. Robinson

John Rupp - Subsurface investigation of the peat-mineral soil contact of the esker-mire complex at Massewepie, Gale, New York.
Advisor: Dr. Robinson

Nathan Vogan - Palynological investigation of Massawepie mire, Gale, New York, as a climate proxy for the Holocene St. Lawrence Lowlands and Adirondack Highlands.
Advisor: Dr. Robinson


Lucas Buckingham - Relationship Between Climae and Tree-ring Width for Balsam Fir (Abies balsamea) on Whiteface Mountain, New York.
Advisor: Dr. Robinson

Nathan A. George - Geology and History of Lead and Iron Mining in Rossie, New York

Brendan Lennon - Hydrogeological and Hydrological Aspects of the Little River Drainage Basin:  Comparisons of River Stage, Groundwater, and Precipitation
Advisor: Dr. Robinson

Timothy S. Loveless - Hydrologic Comparison Between Northeastern Snowmelt-Affected Rivers and Subtropical Storm-Affected Rivers
Advisor: Dr. Robinson

Christopher W. Stevens - The Internal Structure of Relic Lacustrine Strandline Deposits, Northern New York.
Advisor: Dr. Robinson


Timothy Bouchard - A Toxonomic Study of Corbicula Species (Mollusca: Bivalvia) from a Mixed Freshwater-Marine Molluscan Assemblage in the Fox Hills Formation (Late Cretaceous: Maastrichtian) of North Dakota
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Edward J. Cavallerano - Implications of eye position for the evolution of flight.
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Robert DeLong - Exploring Local Cemeteries with Ground Penetrating Radar
Advisor: Dr. Robinson

Diana Odorczuk - Preliminary Hydrogeological Assessment of the Little River Drainage Basin on the Kip Tract, Canton, NY with a Comparison of Two Methods of Estimating Hydraulic Conductivity from Grain Size Analysis.
Advisor: Dr. Robinson

Daniel J. Peppe - Fox Hills I, A New Upper Maastrichtian Megafloral Zone Within the Williston Basin of North Dakota
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Joshua P. Taylor - Origin and Subsequent Modification of K-Feldspar Megacrysts within the Gray’s School Body of the Hermon Gneiss, Adirondack Lowlands, New York.
Advisor: Dr. Bursnall


Andrew Mare Solod - Fossil Moss Mites (Arthropoda: Oribatida) As Indicators Of The Younger Dry As Cooling Episode, Glovers Pond, Northwester, New Jersey.


Carie V. Denesha - Petrological Analysis of a Conglomerate at Richvill, New York.
Advisor: Dr. Owen

Richard (Booth) Platt - Fossil Oribatid Mites (Arthropoda: Acari) as Proxies for Paleo-Habitat Interpretation, Hiscock Site (Late Pleistocene), Byron, New York
Advisor: Dr. Erickson


Timothy Woodcock - A Taxonomic Study of the Genus Glyptocinus (Echoniodermatia: Glyptocrinidae) and Associated Genera.
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

David Waugh - Description and Functional Morphology of a Uniquely Complete Colony of Heterotrypa frondosa (Byozoa ) (Upper Ordovician: Maysvillian) from Ohio.
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Bonnie (Swoger) Muller - Morphometric analysis of the Glacial Border in Western, NY in Relation to Study of a Proglacial Lake.
Advisor: Dr. Willemin

David Hisz - Preferential Migration Patter in the Black and Oswegatchie Rivers, New York.
Advisor: Dr. Willemin

Eric Deratzian - Experimental Development of Drainage Basins.
Advisor: Dr. Willemin

Timothy Creamer - The Quaternary History of the Snow Bowl, New York.
Advisor: Dr. Willemin


Heather Scott Cunningham - A Paleotectonic Reconstruction of the Taconic Orogeny.
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Sarah B. McElfresh (Zimmerman) - An Investigation of Venusian Coronae.
Advisor: Dr. Willemin

Graham B. Baird - New Stream Basin Analysis Technique Applied to the Smith River Basins, Oregon Coast, USA.
Advisor: Dr. Bursnall

Ryan Ackley - Reconstructing Pleistocene and Holocene Paleoclimate at Glovers Pond, New Jersey: A Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes Analysis.
Advisor: Dr. Erickson


Heather Franco - Post-Glacial Lake Levels of the St. Lawrence Lowlands in the Vicinity of Russell, NY
Advisor: Dr. Willemin

Maureen A. Jones - Predation on Two Species of Gastropods Cycloneme (Platyceratidae) and Euspira (Naticidae): A Test of Vermeijan Escalation
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Erik J. Kent - Defromation of Grenvillian Megacrystic Gneisses in the Adirondack Lowlands, Dekalb, New York
Advisor: Dr.

Megan M. Mazzarino - Stable Isotopes at Twelve Sites Spanning the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary
Advisor: Dr. Owens

Christopher D. Sokol - Identification of Two Fossil Bivalves from the Fox Hills Formation, North Dakota
Advisor: Dr. Erickson


Andrew F. Hill - Paleoecological Interpretations from the Occurrence of Metasequoia in the Sentinel Butte Formation at Ash Coulee, Billings County, North Dakota
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Glenn B. Kays - Systematics and Taphonomy of the Trionychoid Turtle Plastomenus from the Ash Coulee Quarry, Sentinel Butte Formation (Paleocene) Billings County, North Dakota
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Brett D. Palmateer - Paleobiology and Stratigraphy of Panopea occidentalis in Life Position in the Fox Hills Formation (Late Cretaceous: Maastrichtian) of North Dakota
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

John S. Post - Stratigraphy of the Sentinel Butte Formation at the Ash Coulee Quarry, Billings County, North Dakota
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

J. Lawrence Robjent - Morphology of Hydrozetes andersoni n.sp. (Oribatida: Hydrozetidae) with Discussions of the Genus Hydrozetes
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Bethany A. Shepherd - Conflicts of Cultural and Eco-Tourism in New Zealand, Australia, and India: A Tourist's Perspective
Advisor: Dr. Erickson


D. Russel Beck - Microgastropods from the Late Ordovician Excello Member of the Brookville Formation at Bon Well Hill, Brookville, Indiana
Advisor: Dr. Willemin

Aaron L. Bogucki - A comparative Quantitative Analysis of Basin Morphology, Schoharie Creek, New York
Advisor: Dr. Erickson


Mary Kate Boylan - The evolution and effects of iron mobilization in St. Lawrence County wetlands
Advisor: Dr. Shrady

Peter William Connett - Physil mineralogy, paleo-reconstruction of the Bullhead lithofacies and post-depositional processes of Late Maastrichtian, Upper Cretaceous from North Dakota
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Andrew R. Fetterman - The distribution and ecology of unionacean mussels in the Grass River drainage basin, St. Lawrence County, New York
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Myron R.C Getman - Occurrences of Mosasaur and other reptilian fossil remains from the Fox Hills Formation (Maastrichtian: late Cretaceous) of North Dakota
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Trent Hubbard - Morphosequence history of deglaciation of the Star Lake region : northwestern Adirondack Mountains, New York
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Adam Prime - Stream channel development in the northern St. Lawrence lowland, New York
Advisor: Dr. Erickson


Lars C. Cherichetti - The Bedrock Geology of a Portion of Menzies Township Including the Western Margin of the Michipicoten Greenstone Belt, Ontario, Canada
Advisor: Dr. Shrady

Radolph D. Conrad - Development of the Terrestrial Planetary Time Scale: A Geologic Correlation With Impact Crater Size and Frequency
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Douglas H. Jennings - Systematic Paleontology of Fossil Oribatid Mites From Quadrant G7SW, Hiscock Site, Byron, New York
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Laurie J. Lewis - Undulosity and Cathodoluminescence of Quartz Adjacent to a Dolerite Dike, Victoria, Australia
Advisor: Dr. Owen

Robert A. Pickard - Systematic Paleontology of Fossil Oribatid Mites From Lower Portion of Core C-I-3, Glovers Pond, New Jersey
Advisor: Dr. Erickson


Matthew G. Marguis - A Computerization of Balogh's Superfamilial Key to the Superior Oribatida
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Scott M. Pinsonnault - Stratigraphy, Sedimentilogy, and Subsurface Structure of the Fox Hills Formation in the Cedar Creek Anticline Area, Wetern North Dakota and Eastern Montana
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Holly F. Snyder - Introducing People to Time, Geology, and the Natural History of the St. Lawrence Region Through a Scaled Campus Walkway
Advisor: Dr. Erickson


Peter S. Cox - Environmentally-Induced Allometric Variation of Prasopora Simulatrix in the Trentonian Kings Falls Formation, Middle Ordovician, Watertown, NY
Advisor: Dr. Erickson


Timothy J. Eckert - Statigraphic and Sedimentologic History of a Peat Deposit Wellesley Island, New York
Advisor: Dr. Street

Andrew P. Perham - The Geology of the North Pyrites Alaskite Bocy Northwest Adirondacks, New York
Advisor: Dr. McLelland

Pamela C. Todd - Sedimentological Evaluation of Fluvial Terraces Along the East Branch of the Ausable River, Essex County, New York
Advisor: Dr. Street

Steven W. Wanzer - A review of Modern Quaternary Dating Techniques
Advisor: Dr. Street


Peter D. Condon - Definition of Potassic-Alkalline, Intrusive Complex in the Grenville Provice: The Baskatong Reservoir Area, Quebec, Cananda
Advisor: Dr. Jacoby

Yves Nicholas Garson - A Cathodoluminescence Analysis of Quartz in Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks.
Advisor: Dr. Owen

Rula S. Kafity - A Petrologic Study of Upper Cretaceous Rocks from Northern Jordan
Advisor: Dr. Owen

Richard D. Ziegler - Mossbauer Spectroscopy Analysis and Application of Geothermometry Techniques to Five Spinel Peridotites from the South Western United States and Saudi Arabia
Advisor: Dr. Jacoby


Michael John Harris - Sedimentary Petrology and Depositional Environment of the Allens Falls "Fanglomerate," Parishville, New York
Advisor: Dr. Owen


James G. Billings - A Petrographic Study of Some Deformational and Metamorphic Textures and Structures of the Northern Portion of the Russell Metagabbro Body on the Carthage - Colton Mylonite Zone: Northwestern Adirondacks, New York
Advisor: Dr. Jacoby

Mark G. Gaylord - Computer Modeling of Stream Ripples
Advisor: Dr. Knickerbocker and Dr. Owen

Suzanne D. Sargent - Relative Quartz Contribution by Bedrock and Glacial Till to Stream Sediment: A Petrologic Study Using Cathodoluminescence
Advisor: Dr. Owen

Allison Neely Smith - A Petrographic Study of Sandstone in Paleozoic Outlier, St. Lawrence County, New York
Advisor: Dr. Owen

William Naylor Stone, III - Changes in Cementation Patterns at the Boundary between the Potsdam Sandstone and the Theresa Formation (U. Camb - L. Ord) in the Southwestern St. Lawrence Valley, New York
Advisor: Dr. Owen


Michael E. Armstrong - Lithologic Description and Environmental Interpretation of a Carbonate-Evaporite Core from the Sunniland Formation, Collier County, South Peninsular Florida
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Edward Benson Baker - The Cathodoluminescence of Detrital Quartz at High Temperatures and Low Pressure
Advisor: Dr. Owen

Harold J. Cashman - An Exploratory Field, Laboratory, and Research Study of Some Pyroclastic Rocks Present in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska
Advisor: Dr. Jacoby

Michael J. Meriney - Systematic Textural and Structural Fabric Variations Associated with the Fort George Fault Zone: Quebec, Canada
Advisor: Dr. Jacoby

Kathleen Mullaney - A Lithologick Examination and Depositional Interpretation of the Upper Chapman Core of the Sunniland Formation, Lower Cretaceous of Florida
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

James Saunders - Use of Heavy Minerals for Flow Direction Determination in Glacial Till, Herman Quadrangle, New York
Advisor: Dr. Owen

Brian Silfer - A Description of Some Gastropods from the Cannonball Formation (Paleocene) of North and South Dakota
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

David M. Street - Mineralogical Comparison of Two Late Wisconsinan Tills in the St. Lawrence Lowland, New York
Advisor: Dr. Owen


Scott J. Carpenter - Formation and Diagenesis of Fossiliferous Concretions of the Fox Hills Formation, Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) of Noth Dakota
Advisor: Dr. Owen

Kenneth G. Johnson - A Preliminary Quantitative Investigation of the Grasse River Drainage Basin, Saint Lawrence County, New York
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Ronald A Metzger - Numerical Distribution of Mites Relative to Depositional Environment for Postglacial Sediments Collected from Glovers Pond in Northwestern New Jersey
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Brian G. Powers - Lithologic Control of Conodont Assemblages from the Upper Ordovician (Maysvillian) Fairview Formation (Ohio)
Advisor: Dr. Erickson


Scott P. Brown - Retention of a Particulate Waste Mound at an Open Water Disposal Site in Long Island Sound, New York
Advisor: Dr. Romey

Eugene M. Geddes - Investigations into the Origin of an Anorthosite Body on the East Branch of the Sacandaga River, South Central Adirondacks, New York
Advisor: Dr. Romey

Patrick V. Kelly - A Characterization of the Rock Types in and Around a Portion of the Oregon Dome, Adirondacks, New York
Advisor: Dr. Romey

Richard F. McCartney - Variability in Texture and Quartz Cathodoluminescence of the Potsdam Sandstone in the Adirondack Lowlands
Advisor: Dr. Owen

Paul E. Meriney - Structure and Sedimentation in an Infilled Kettle-Eastern kame Terrace of Elm Creek Valley
Advisor: Dr. Street

Jennifer Novak - An Investigation of Bifalve-Brachiopod Competition in the Paleozoic (With an Emphasis on the Devonian)
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Leslie Parks - Some Glacial Features of the Bigelow Quadrangle
Advisor: Dr. Street

Dean N. Stahl - Crystallography and Preferential Face Growth in Grenville Uvites from Three Occurrences in St. Lawrence County, New York
Advisor: Dr. Jacoby


David H. Griffing - Petrological Description of Rock Units Occurring on the Edwardsville-Pope Mills Segment of State Route 58; With Special Emphasis on Migmatite Phenomenon
Advisor: Dr. Romey

Ward T. Kane - Petrogenisis of Tourmaline-Rich Rocks at Rock Island Bridge Near Richville, New York
Advisor: Dr. Elberty

Kathleen M. Murphy - The Late Pleistocene Geologic History of the St. Lawrence Lowland, With a Focus on the Pierrepont, New York 7.5 Minute Quadrangle
Advisor: Dr. Street

Donald Pair - Textural and Morphometric Study of the Drumloid Landforms in the Massena and Raquette River Quadrangles of New York
Advisor: Dr. Street

Donald T. Rodbell - The Use of Diatoms as a Means to Determine the Paleosalinity of Postglacial bodies of Water in St. Lawrence County, New York
Advisor: Dr. Street


Elizabeth S. Butterworth - A Preliminary Study of the Hermon Granite in its Type Area Near Hermon, New York
Advisor: Dr. Romey

Cricket Corwin - Possible Origin of Basaltic Dikes in the Grenville Province
Advisor: Dr. Romey

Peter de Menocal - Spatial Distribution of Storm-Generated Carbonate Turbidites in the Trenton Group Limestones (Mid. Ord.) of Central New York
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Steven E. Fox - A Study of Oribatid Fauna From Glovers Pond in New Jersey
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Michael J. Heaney III - Investigation of Three Species of Mite From Sediments of Glovers Pond, Northwestern New Jersey
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Eleanor M. Hill - Pebble Lithology of the Wisconsin Till in the Canton Quadrangle, New York
Advisor: Dr. Street

Peter M. Hudelson - Pleistocene Landorms of the Canton-Potsdam Area
Advisor: Dr. Street

Peter A. Larabee - A Study and Development of Flowchart for Access Avenues into Geological Literature, St. Lawrence University
Advisor: Dr. Street

Charles A. Laymon - Textural and Mineralogical Comparison of Late Wisconsinan Till in St. Lawrence County, New York
Advisor: Dr. Street

Brad K. Linsley - An Attempt to Correlate External Growth Lines with Internal Growth Lines in the Shell of Polinices Duplicatus (Mollusca, Gastropoda: Naticidae) and A Discussion of the Possible Relationships Between Variations in Shell Growth and Fluctuation Environmental Parameters
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Kathleen A. McDonough - A Study of the Occurrence of Volcanic and Earthquake Damage of the Azores Islands
Advisor: Dr. Romey

Julia K. Palmer - The Identification of Upper Cretaceous Foraminifera from the Ripley Formation, Alabama
Advisor: Dr. Erickson

Kimberly R. Turner - A Study of Selected Sandstones Occurrences of St. Lawrence County
Advisor: Dr. Elberty


David P. Brewster - The Paleoecology of the Mottville and Delphi Station Members of the Middle Devonian Skaneateles Formation
Advisor: Dr. Koch

Jeffrey R. Chiarenzelli - The Allen's Falls Conglomerate: Possible Evidence of Infra-Cambrian Glaciation in Northern New York
Advisor: Dr. Mehrtens

Ilsley D. Colton - A Geochemical Analysis of Nine Granite Plutons from South-Central Maine
Advisor: Dr. Jacoby

Timothy W. Grover - A Geochemical Comparison of the Lake Durant Fromation and the Hyde School Alaskitic Gneiss Body With an Analysis of the Lake Durant Migmatities
Advisor: Dr. Jacoby

Michael D. Hayes - The Late Pleistocene Geologic History of the Canton, New York, 7.5 Minute Quadrangel
Advisor: Dr. Street

Frank D. Henderson - Related Episodes of Tectonic Deformation and Migmatization at Boyd Pond: Northwest Adirondack Highlands, St. Lawrence County, New York
Advisor: Dr. Elberty

Thomas H. Hudson - The Community Succession in an Onondaga Formation Patch Reef (Middle Devonian), New York
Advisor: Dr. Koch

Michelle H. Judson - Conodont Biostratigraphy of the Lower Ogdensburg Formation (Ordovician) of Northwestern, New York
Advisor: Dr. Mehrtens

Miriam E. Katz - Foraminiferida of the Late Pleistocene Champlain Sea Deposits, St. Lawrence Lowlands, Northern New York State
Advisor: Dr. Mehrtens

Jenny Poland - Rhythmic Sedimentation in the Trenton Group Limestones (Mid. Ord.) in New York
Advisor: Dr. Mehrtens

G. Kendall Taylor - A Magnetic Study of the South Canton Leucogranitic Gneiss
Advisor: Dr. Elberty