Student Research (SYE)
All Global Studies majors are required to undertake an independent research project during the senior year. These SYE (Senior Year Experience) projects, which typically involve research conducted in conjunction with off-campus study, require students to bring comparative and/or transnational analysis to bear on their chosen areas of geographic and thematic concentration. Regular projects are completed during one semester (GS489 for fall semester, GS490 for spring semester) under the supervision of a Global Studies faculty member. Honors projects (an option for students who maintain a 3.5 GPA in the major and a 3.2 GPA overall) are two semesters in length (GS498 and GS499) and involve close work with three faculty members: the primary GS advisor, a second reader from the department, and a third reader from outside the department.
Global Studies SYE projects are unique in the close association the student has with a faculty member. Rather than working in a class or with a group of students, Global Studies students have the opportunity to work one-on-one with a faculty member who has expertise in the field. The close relationship between students and faculty for SYE projects helps to create an experience where the student can delve deeply into the subject of the project with the guide of an experienced writer and researcher. In addition, the Global Studies SYE helps develop the learning skills that are necessary to succeed outside of the structured classroom setting.
Students may apply for various types of funding to support research for their senior project.