HRUMC 2023
Five SLU students presented their research projects at HRUMC.

The 23rd annual Hudson River Undergraduate Math Conference was held on April 1st at Mt. Holyoke College in South Hadley, MA. Twenty St. Lawrence University students and faculty attended the conference and five students presented their work.
Caleb Hamblen presented work from his senior project on “Alternatives to Statistical Power that Avoid ‘p < .05’ “. Shane Hauk’s talk was on his senior project entitled “Analyzing NFL Draft Prospects: Predicting Career Success with Imputed Combine and College Football Data “. Charlie Reinhardt discussed the mathematics of the movie Good Will Hunting. Cassie Richter gave a talk on “NCAA Volleyball Data Collection and Analysis“. Gab Schuckers spoke on the idea of rigidity in grid graphs.
The Hudson River Undergraduate Math Conference is an annual conference that brings together faculty and students from the Hudson Valley region for a day of talks on and about the mathematical sciences. St. Lawrence University hosted HRUMC in 2008 and 2018. The SLU Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics (MCSS) department regularly sends large contingents of students and faculty to HRUMC. The MCSS Department offers degrees in mathematics, computer science, statistics, and data science and is regularly among the top colleges nationally in percent of majors graduating with a degree from our department.