The Romer Lecture Series
The Romer Lecture was established to honor the late Physics Professor Emeritus Alfred Romer, who had been associated with St. Lawrence for 50 years and remained actively involved with Physics Department activities at the age of 90.
In Memorium: Alfred Romer (1906 - 1998): A perspective of Al Romer's life.
Listed below are the Romer Lecture speakers from 1997 to present. This page contains a photo of each speaker and the description for their talk.
- Manya: A Living History of Marie Curie - Susan Marie Frontczak (2018)
- Honeybee Democracy - Dr. Thomas D. Seeley, Cornell University (2012)
- Time Traveler: A Scientist's Personal Mission to Make Time Travel a Reality - Dr. Ronald Mallett, University of Connecticut (2010)
- J. Robert Oppenheimer and the Moral Complexity of Modern Science - Professor David Cassidy, Hofstra University (2008)
- The Hare and the Tortoise: The Conflict Between Culture and Biology in Human Affairs, or: When Baboons Drive Hummers - Dr. David Barash, University of Washington (2007)
- The Blue Moon, Einstein, and Mie - Dr. Michael Paesler, North Carolina State University (2006)
- Birds and Bird Guides: The Universal Appeal of Birds, and the Pleasures and Challenges of Creating a Field Guide - David Allen Sibley (2005)
- The NASA Shuttle-Launch, Dark-Moon-Ray Mystery - Dr. Robert Greenler, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2004)
- Global Warming Debate: Good Science or Bad Politics? - Dr. Stephen H. Schneider, Stanford University (2003)
- On the Origin of Species: The Inheritance of Acquired Bacteria - Dr. Lynn Margulis, University of Massachusetts at Amherst (2002)
- The Shape of Space - Dr. Jeff Weeks, Mathematician, Cosmologist and MacArthur Fellow (2001)
- Living Longer and Healthier with Natural Medicines from the Amazon Rain Forest and Caribbean Coral Reefs - Dr. Eloy Rodriguez, Cornell University (2000)
- The Case of the Elusive Particles: Nuclear Disintegration and the Cambridge-Vienna Controversy - Dr. Roger Stuewer, University of Minnesota (1999)
- Dr. Robert Richardson, Nobel Laureate, Cornell University (1998)
- Digging Dinosaurs: The Search That Unraveled the Mystery of Baby Dinosaurs - Jack Horner, Montana State University/Museum of the Rockies (1997)