Minor Requirements

Minor Requirements

To earn the interdisciplinary minor students must complete the following requirements:

Six Units of Coursework in three areas

  1. Two of the Core Intro classes: 
  • PH 216 - Introduction to Public Health and
  • PH 226 - Introduction to the Health Humanities or
  • An introductory course in Global/Cross-Cultural Health:
    • ANTH 3072 - Medicines and Meanings or
    • GS 264 - Global Public Health: Critical Perspectives
  1. Advanced Public Health Core class:
  • PH 3001 - Basic Principles of Epidemiology (pre-req: PH 216 & STAT 113) or
  • PH 310 - Social Determinants of Health (pre-req: PH 216)
  1.  Any three electives from at least two different pools. Core courses that are not chosen as required classes can be taken as electives.
  • Global/Cross-Cultural perspectives
  • Critical Humanistic perspectives
  • Scientific perspectives
  1. Final Minor Reflection Statement: Students are required to submit a 1-2 page final reflection statement evaluating their work in the public health minor including how the courses taken and the experiential learning component (if applicable) fit together to create an integrated study of public health.  Students should also describe which two of the Learning Goals listed on the PH website were most relevant to their experience.  The statement must be done after all courses for the minor have been completed (or are in progress for completion) and prior to graduation.

TOTAL: 6 units of credit


  1. No more than two approved courses from other institutions or University-approved study abroad/off-campus programs may transfer into your minor. Permission from a Public Health Program Coordinator is required for transfer.
  2. All courses taken from other institutions or off-campus programs can only count as electives for the minor.

For students enrolling in 2021 or previous years: you have the option of:

EITHER earning your minor using the requirements below OR by meeting the requirements listed in the 2022 catalog (see above).

2019-2021 Minor Requirements

1. One of the following Fundamentals of PH courses.

  • AFS 3041/ANTH 3053 - Medical Anthropology
  • BIO 216/PH 216 - Introduction to Public Health
  • HIST 3097 - Public Health in History
  • PH 3011SOP - Foundation of Community Health
  • GS 264 - Global Public Health: Critical Perspectives
  • SOC 275 - Medical Sociology

2. One of the following Research Skills and Methods courses

  • ANTH 233/ENVS 233/GEOL 233/GS 233 - Geographic Info Systems w/Lab
  • GS 290 - Research Methods in Global Studies
  • MATH 230 - Differential Equations
  • PH 3013 - Public Health Research Methods
  • PSYC 205 - Research Methods in Psychology
  • SOC 300 - Qualitative Research Methods
  • SOC 301 - Quantitative Research Methods
  • STAT 213 - Applied Regression Analysis

3. Three Electives.  See APR2 or website for list of courses.

4. Experiential Learning Component (ELC): Choose one from:

  • Take a Community Based Learning (CBL) course with a public health placement approved by the Chair of the PH Program. 
    • ANTH 3072CBL - Medicine and Meaning w/CBL
    • PH 3016 - Experiential Learning in PH w/CBL
    • PHIL 354 - Bioethics w/CBL
    • PSYCH 413 - Community Psychology w/CBL
    • SOC 246 - Aging and Society w/CBL
  • Carry out independent public health-related research (short-term, summer, or semester; this could include an appropriate SYE project)
  • Complete an internship relevant to public health.
  • Complete an internship, research, or community-based component as part of an off-campus program approved by the Chair of the PH Program.

No additional credit is necessary to fulfill the ELC requirement.  Can be fulfilled with existing requirements or with another public health-related experience. Students should complete an ELC Reflection Statement.  See the Experiential Learning Component information on the website.

5. Final Minor Reflection Statement:  Students are required to submit a 1-2 page final reflection statement evaluating their work in the public health minor including how the courses taken and the experiential learning component (if applicable) fit together to create an integrated study of public health.  Students should also describe which two of the Learning Goals listed on the PH website were most relevant to their experience.  The statement must be done after all courses for the minor have been completed (or are in progress for completion) and prior to graduation.

TOTAL: 5 units of credit


  1. Only one course listed in your major(s) may count toward the minor.
  2. Courses must come from at least three departments or programs.
  3. A maximum of two courses at the 100-level can be counted toward the minor.
  4. No more than two approved courses from other institutions or University-approved study abroad/off-campus programs may transfer into your minor. Permission from the Chair of the PH Program is required for transfer.