What You Can Do...

Student involvement is essential to the prevention of crime on campus. Disinterest and complacency are the prime contributors to the success of criminals. The burden of crime prevention rests not only with the Safety and Security Department but with each member of the St. Lawrence University community. Security Officers can not be everywhere at once and therefore we depend on you to recognize and report suspicious and criminal activity. The extent of your cooperation greatly influences the Security Officers' effectiveness in fighting crime. Doing your part means:

  • Being aware of your vulnerability and following suggestions outlined in the handbook which will help you protect yourself and your property.
  • Being alert for suspicious or criminal activity and or conditions that may represent a hazard to the University community.
  • Getting involved by becoming more security conscious and by reporting all incidents or criminal activity to the Safety and Security Department.

Many times solving a crime depends on how accurately and promptly the incident is reported. Therefore, when reporting an incident it is important that you be able to provide as much of the following information as possible...

  1. Nature of the incident.
  2. When the incident occurred.
  3. Where the incident occurred.
  4. Who was involved (names, sex, race, age, height, glasses, etc.)
  5. Direction and mode of travel.
  6. Vehicles involved, type and description.
  7. Description of stolen property.

Protection of Persons or Property....


  1. Be aware and recognize your vulnerability.
  2. Report all suspicious persons, vehicles and activities to the Safety and Security Department immediately by using an emergency blue phone or by calling (315) 229-5555.
  3. Use the "buddy system" when at parties or in an uncommon location.
  4. Watch out for your neighbor. If you see someone being victimized, notify the Safety and Security Department immediately


  1. Avoid traveling alone after dark. If in need, call the Safety and Security Department for an escort at (315) 229-5555.
  2. Be aware of your environment. Walk in well lighted, regularly traveled walks or pathways. Avoid shortcuts and keep away from shrubbery, heavy bushes, alleyways and areas where assailants may be lurking.
  3. Dress appropriately for the weather conditions.
  4. Don't hitchhike or accept rides from strangers.
  5. Report lights that are out and any other hazardous conditions to the Safety and Security Department.
  6. When walking to your vehicle, keep your keys in your hand.
  7. If you think or feel like you are being followed, cross the street and if needed keep crossing back and forth. If you are pursued, draw attention to yourself by yelling and run to a lighted building or residence hall. Don't be afraid if you need to break a window or pull a fire alarm to draw attention to your situation. In this type of situation yelling "FIRE" may be more effective than yelling "help".

Every night, professional Security Officers and Student Security personnel will make foot patrols in and around the residence halls as well as other campus buildings. Security Officers and Student Safety team members work closely with the Residence Hall staff to prevent problems before they occur.

  1. Keep doors and window to your room locked at all times.
  2. Never sleep in an unlocked room.
  3. Don't put your name and address on your key ring.
  4. Don't study in poorly lighted or secluded areas of a building.
  5. Should you receive a harassing phone call or calls with no one on the line, hang up and immediately notify the Security and Safety Department.
  6. If you find that your room has been entered, do not go inside. Notify a Residential Coordinator (RC), Community Assistant (CA), or Security Officer immediately. If you are inside do not touch anything until an officer arrives as you may disturb valuable evidence.
  7. If your lock or combo is not operating properly, contact your RC or CA.
  8. Avoid having large amounts of cash or other valuables in your room.
  10. Check with your family insurance agent to determine if your property is covered under their homeowners insurance. If not, you should strongly consider purchasing insurance.

Athletic Facilities....

  1. Use the "buddy system." Work out or use the pool with a friend and make arrangements to go to and from the gym together.
  2. Immediately report all incidents of indecent exposure and voyeurism to the Safety and Security Department.
  3. Avoid bringing cash, wallets, or other valuables to the gym. Keep your locker locked whenever unattended. This includes when you are briefly in the shower. Most thefts in athletic facilities take place in the locker rooms and from unlocked lockers.

Fire Safety....
Familiarize yourself with the location of alarms and extinguishers.

Twice an academic year a Residence Life Official will conduct a fire safety inspection of every dorm room on campus to insure the safety of the entire building. The University Fire Marshall regularly tests building alarms and inspects fire safety equipment throughout the campus.

  1. Sound the fire alarm.
  2. Go to the nearest exit and leave the building.
  3. Call the Safety and Security Department at (315) 229-5555, on campus 5555 or activate an emergency phone.
  4. If you are in your room when an alarm sounds, feel the door and handle to see if it is hot. If it is hot, do not open the door. Call the Safety and Security Office at (315) 229-5555, on campus 5555 and/or open your window and call for help. If the door is not hot, exit the building immediately.
  5. If an exit is blocked, try another exit or return to your room, close the door, open a window and yell for help.
  6. If you are in a smoke filled area, keep low to the floor to escape the smoke.
  7. Know all the exits and fire escape plans in your building.

Students are strongly urged to register their bicycles with the Safety and Security Department. There is no cost for registering bicycles and registering bicycles greatly increases the chance for recovery in cases of theft.

  1. ALWAYS LOCK YOUR BIKE! Bicycles should be locked around the frame and through one wheel to a bike rack.
  2. Invest in a good bike lock or a strong padlock and chain.
  3. Whenever possible, keep your bike inside.
  4. Find out if your bike is covered under your parents' insurance policy. If not, it is advisable to insure it.
  5. Don't be an accident victim. Follow the same rules of the road as you would if you were driving a car.