Jeffrey Miller

Laboratory Coordinator/Astronomer Physics Department

M.A. - Astronomy
   Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT

B.A. - Astronomy
   Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT
   Cum Laude

Jeffrey Miller Eclipse 2024

I am one of the astronomers in the Physics department, and have been teaching here since 1990. I am also involved in the ALFALFA Project, a consortium of 23 universities led by Cornell University and funded by the NSF, that uses the 1000-ft. (305-meter) antenna of the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center's Arecibo Observatory to measure extragalactic abundance of neutral Hydrogen (HI). As part of this group, I had the opportunity to observe at the Arecibo Observatory, and on several occasions to brings students to an annual workshop at the observatory. Recently, we have held our workshops at the Green Bank Observatory, home to the 100-meter Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT), the world's largest fully steerable single aperture antenna.

I am also in charge of the introductory physics labs (College Physics - Phys 103/104; University Physics - Phys 151/152). I teach many sections of each lab, I write the laboratory instructions, and have created an online setup manual that details the assembly of each experiment. I also occasionally teach a section of Introduction to Astronomy in the Spring semester. I'm also the Physics department computer specialist; I keep all of the laboratory computers running as smoothly as possible.

I've also been working on a manual of lecture-demos. Still a work in progress!

I serve on the board of directors of the Adirondack Sky Center and Observatory. Our group of amateur and professional astronomers have built an observatory for public use in Tupper Lake, NY, under the dark skies of the Adirondack Mountains, and are hoping to build a full-scale astronomy museum and planetarium. I give many public astronomy lectures and maintain the web site for the ASC&O.

More goodies can be found on my personal website.

Fall 2024 Courses:

  • Phys 103L: Lab for College Physics  

Spring 2024 Courses:

  • Phys 104L: Lab for College Physics
  • Phys 152L: Lab for University Physics 


A.A. O’Donoghue, M.P. Haynes, R. Koopmann, M. Jones, R. Giovanelli, T.J. Balonek, D.W. Craig, G.L. Hallenbeck, G.L. Hoffman, D.A. Kornreich, L. Leisman, and J.R. Miller. The Arecibo Pisces-Perseus Supercluster Survey: I. Harvesting ALFALFA, Astronomical Journal, Vol. 157, No. 2 (2019)

M.P. Haynes, R. Giovanelli, B.R. Kent, E.A.K. Adams, T.J. Balonek, D.W. Craig, D. Fertig, R. Finn, C. Giovanardi, G. Hallenbeck, et al. The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: The ALFALFA Extragalactic H i Source Catalog. Astrophysical Journal. Vol. 861, No. 1. (2018)

M.P. Haynes, R. Giovanelli, A.M. Martin, K.M. Hess, A. Saintonge, E.A.K. Adams, G. Hallenbeck, G.L. Hoffman, S. Huang, B.R. Kent, et al. The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: The alpha.40 HI Source Catalog, its Characteristics and their Impact on the Derivation of the HI Mass Function. Astronomical Journal. Vol. 142, No. 5. (2011)

Contact Information

Office Hours

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 10:00 am - 11:30 am, Other times by appointment