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  • Liberal Arts Adventures
  1. A Saint Lawrence student, wearing blue rubber gloves, holds a syringe and conducts research in a lab.

    Neuroscience Research Fellow Discovers the Power of Perseverance

    Nadiana Acevedo ’24 isn’t afraid of a challenge. When she set out to investigate the effects of an anti-cancer drug this summer, she discovered that sometimes the best learning experiences can come from trial and error.

  2. Sam Cohen and Anne Marie Hubert look at a word document displayed on a large television screen.

    What Shakespeare Can Teach Us About Power and Politics

    When Sam Cohen ’23 took a class on Shakespeare’s Roman plays, she couldn’t help but notice patterns between power and politics. Following her curiosity, she set out to determine if the past could be a key to the present.

  3. Ruiqi Yang collaborates with his professor as he looks at data on a computer.

    Analyzing China’s Housing Market as an Economics Research Fellow

    When Ruiqi Yang ’23 returned to China in 2021, he couldn’t help but notice the effect the COVID-19 pandemic had on daily life. Inspired by his academic interests, he explored the pandemic’s connection to a much-discussed topic in his home country–the housing market.

  4. Hope Donoghue draws connections between yellow dots on a white board with a black marker. Her faculty mentor, Ivan Ramler, looks on.

    Discovering a Winning Combination as a Data Science Researcher

    Saints student-athlete Hope Donoghue ’24 has always been intrigued by sports data. This summer, she combined her academic and athletic passions as a data science researcher.

  5. Berenice Gervacio '25 stands in front of the thick, Romanesque archways of the county court building.

    A Local Internship with Impact at the St. Lawrence County Public Defender's Office

    After arriving at St. Lawrence for her first year, Berenice Gervacio '25 didn't waste any time starting to explore her career interests and embedding herself in her new community.

  6. Blake Bittorf stands at a whiteboard with writing and sticky notes on it. He and his colleague look at her computer while reviewing a plan for social media.

    Supporting Community Care as a United Helpers Intern

    Olivia White '17

    After spending his first semester of college abroad with St. Lawrence's First-Year Program in London, Blake Bittorf '25 arrived on campus ready to immerse himself in the North Country community.

  7. A professor teaches a class outdoors on a beautiful late summer day on the quad, framed by a stone chapel and brick academic building.

    The Princeton Review Recognizes St. Lawrence for Stellar Student Government, Science Facilities, and Leadership

    St. Lawrence University was named to The Princeton Review’s “Best 388 Colleges” list for 2023. Based on results from student surveys, the popular rankings publication also recognized several stand-out aspects of co-curricular and academic life.

  8. Sam Glazer, professor of chemistry, works along side a Saint Lawrence student in the research lab. They are wearing protective goggles.

    St. Lawrence Adds New Pre-health Chemistry Major

    St. Lawrence University has added a new bachelor’s degree program in pre-health chemistry, providing a dynamic curriculum that allows students to meet the requirements of health-specific post-baccalaureate programs and gain practical research experience to begin a career in the field right after graduation.

  9. Student walking in front of Herring Cole.

    St. Lawrence University and Cornell Law School Collaborate on Early Admission Program

    St. Lawrence University has entered a partnership with Cornell Law School to collaborate on a Law Early Admission Program (LEAP), which will enable high-achieving undergraduates to attain their undergraduate and law degrees in six years instead of the traditional seven.