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  • Math, Computer Science and Statistics
  1. SLU Faculty presented at Joint Statistical Meetings

    Several St. Lawrence University (SLU) faculty presented at the 2023 Joint Statistical Meeting in Toronto. The Joint Statistical Meeting is the largest gathering of statisticians in North America. Three SLU faculty gave presentations.

  2. Schuckers gives talk on assessing equity and fairness in biometrics at BIOSIG 2023

    The talk entitled “Statistical Methods for Testing Equity of False Non Match Rates across Multiple Demographic Groups” discussed statistical methods for comparing whether or not differences between demographic groups, e.g. ethnic groups or age groups in their ability to access a biometrically based device were statistically discernible.

  3. Patti Frazer Lock Gives Three Presentations at National Mathematics Meetings.

    Patti Frazer Lock recently returned from giving three presentations at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in San Francisco.

  4. Math Professor Publishes Calculus Book

    Dr. Maegan Bos, Professor of Mathematics, recently published a calculus book which is aptly named "Yet Another Calculus Book," published by Kendall Hunt.

  5. 2023 Carnegie Mellon Analytics Sports Conference

    Statistics Students, Faculty and Alums Attend Sports Analytics Conference

    Data Science students Hope Donoghue ’24 and Shane Hauck ’23, along with Assistant Director of the Peterson Quantitative Resource Center AJ Dykstra ’22, Professor of Statistics Robin Lock, and Charles A. Dana Professor and Department Chair of the Math, Computer Science, and Statistics Department Michael Schuckers all attended the Sports Analytics Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In attendance were Hope Donoghue ’24 a Data Science major and captain of the SLU women’s soccer team, Shane Hauck ’23 a Data Science graduate and former captain of the SLU men’s soccer team who is enrolled in the Applied Data Science Master’s program at CMU, AJ Dykstra ’22 who is currently the Assistant Director of the Peterson Quantitative Resource Center at SLU, Professor of Statistics Robin Lock, and Professor of Statistics Michael Schuckers.

  6. Patti Frazer Lock Gives Keynote Address at National Mathematics Meetings

    Patti Frazer Lock recently returned from giving an invited keynote address at the annual AMATYC (American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges) conference in Omaha, Nebraska.

  7. Fall 2023 PME New Members

    Mathematical Honor Society - New Members Fall 2023

    Pi Mu Epsilon is a non-secret organization whose purpose is the promotion of scholarly activity in mathematics among students in academic institutions and among the staffs of qualified non-academic institutions.

  8. ICPC October 2023

    Students Compete in International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC)

    Three St. Lawrence University students attended the annual International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), which took place on Oct. 29 at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

  9. Mathematics Professor Look Gives Invited Lecture and Authors Publication on Complex Dynamics

    Professor Look gives invited presentation on mathematics education and publishes new research.