Personal Space
The online exhibition Personal Space features the Class of 2020 Senior Year Experience (SYE) studio artists: Morgan Barlow, McKael Barnes, Charlotte Bates, Gabriel Craig, Flannery Dillon, Olivia Hart...
Saints Rowing Prepared Us for Hard Challenges
Lilly Bianchi '20I’ll never forget how smooth the St. Lawrence River was when we went to the boathouse for the last time. It was March, a few days before we departed campus for online learning. We were there to put...
The Campaign for Every Laurentian Stays Focused
To date, Laurentians have given more than $182 million to The Campaign for Every Laurentian. The number of donations exceeds 55,165 from more than 19,159 donors. Since the beginning of the Campaign...
The Many Layers of Laurentian
Mark MendeSanctum laurentiensis and the traces of geological connections
The St. Lawrence Endowment, Today and Tomorrow
Jonathan BrownAs COVID-19 sends financial shocks through investment markets, Laurentian support and renewed commitment gives the University a sense of stability.
Chance Encounters, the Law, and Some Whiskey Business
DEBORAH DUDLEYHow two Laurentians found themselves making bourbon (and hand sanitizer) in Wyoming