AWARE Project
Under the leadership of Jessica Parrillo and Margaret Kent Bass, St. Lawrence University pooled their resources to apply for a grant with the Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women. Their efforts were rewarded in August 2005 with the awarding of the Advocating Widespread Awareness and Rape-prevention Education (AWARE) Project Grant No. 2005-WA-AX-0022. The AWARE Project is manifested on campus as the Advocates Program, comprised of faculty, staff, and student volunteers..
The Advocates Program is an inclusive campus-wide effort aimed at education and outreach, community coordination, prevention, and advocacy about sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking. We are dedicated to creating safe spaces in St. Lawrence University and the surrounding communities for survivors of all genders, sexual orientations, classes, races, and religions. The Advocates Program seeks to increase awareness about the resources that are available to students who are affected by sexual and intimate partner violence as survivors or loved ones of survivors.
The Advocates Program serves as a support system, providing options and information to students about campus and local resources. This is a group of faculty, staff, and students passionate about reducing the amount of sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking on-campus through education and outreach. Advocates provide a host of services for victims of power-based personal violence including a 24-hour confidential hotline, counseling, hospital accompaniment, and judicial advocacy.