In Memory

We have received word of the recent passing of these alumni, and extend our condolences to their families and friends. Memorial notices for those for whom we receive a published obituary will appear in the "In Memory" section of the St. Lawrence University magazine.

If you would like to report the recent death of a Laurentian, please notify Alice David by email at Please include a copy of, or link to, the obituary if one is available. 

When the University learns of the passing of a current student, faculty, staff, or trustee member, the President's Office sends a message to the community. Memorial notices are also shared when retired faculty and staff and former trustees pass away. Please visit our In Memoriam page to view this list. 

In Memory

Alumni whose passing was shared with the University between May 8, 2024 and May 30, 2025 are listed below by class year.

Last updated January 3, 2025.

Margaret Slater Duryea '43
Mary Finley '45
Ann Miller Hilchie '46
Mary Evans Donnelly '47
Jeanne Massonneau Elitharp '47, P'73, '78
Bobby Meeker von der Luft '47
Martha Fiddler Ferguson '49, P'81
Mary Osgood Malcolm '49
Mary Whalen '49

Shane Murphy '50
Marilyn Bryson Briggs '51, P'78
Ray Mulvihill '51
Odile Leterrier Stern '51
Ila Young Sterling '52
Joan Hansen Pflugheber '53, P'80, '86, GP'16
Howard Splete '53
Sylvia Dorries Howland '53
Gerald Whalen '53, P'84, '87
David Armstrong '54
Barbara Bell Bartlett '54
Charles Berry '54
Jean Gerrie Duncan
Donald Gilbert '54
Robbie Harri Harte '54
Alice Fouchaux Jach '54
John Kinney '54
Paul Parkman '54
Harold Smith M'54
Gloria Baker Winter '54
Sally Miller Flicker '55
Stan Hall '55, P'83
Ted Hiller '55, P'85
Mike Ricciardi '55
Charlotte Glidden Besio M'56
Richard Heffernan
Sidney Taylor Johnston '56
Winifred Leithead '56
William Richardson '56
John Sullivan '56
Bob Cherrington '57
Eugene Larchar '57
Hayden Pratt '57
Art Saltford '57
Edward Verville '57
Bill Wellman '57
Barbara McCloskey Wiggins '57
Kenneth Anderson '58
Ruth Reeves Hiller '58, P'85
Alicia Mahoney Olney '58
William Scofield '58
Barbara Baldwin St. Denis
Barbara Andrews Vigsnes '58, P'83, GP'12
Dorothy Toth Beasley '59
Christopher Dumaine '59
Ron Granberg '59
Roderick Lankler '59
Phyllis Denny Marriott '59
Lawrence Nokes '59
Jacqueline Pitts '59
Linda White '59

Bruce Blomstran '60
Brian Gage '60
Gordy Gears '60
Roscoe Lacy '60
Jay Moore '60, P'88
Mary Ireland Sharrow '60
Marlene Watson
Robert Boothby '61
Anthony Conzo '61
Scarlett Emerson '61
James Finke '61, P'88
Wayne Furlong '61, P'85
Uldis Jansons '61
Cinnie Baldwin Luscombe '61
John Gornell '62
Mary Youngs Teemley '62
Wally Brown '63, P'92
Stephen Fosdick '63
Colby Stilson '63
Michael Sullivan '63
Mary Ellen Petro Angell '64
Leigh Berry '64
James Clare '64
Vince Egan '65
Kathy Lyons Metcalf '65
David Sampson '65
Fred Batzold '66
Phil Benoit '66
Bettyann Casady Chesbro '66
Rick Dixon '66
Dick Maloney M'66
Dave Snyder '66, P'89
Terry Wardwell Taskey '66
John Behre '67
Stephen Helden '67
Douglas Rising '67
Randy Whitelaw '67
David Lenahan '68
Glenn Timmerman M'68
Robert Armbruster '69
Donald Hanna '69

Paul Hamlin '70, P'93
Linda Buehler Vincent '70
Fred Andersen '71
Jeffery Garvey '71
Susan Whitnall Plopper '71
Terry Slaven '71
Meg Sanford Ardan
Gar Bewkes '72, P'06
Raymond Scannell '72
Kathy Horwood Wille '72
Phil Dailey M'73
Bud Hossenlopp '73
Karen Lawton Burtch '74
Debbie Hall '75
Rich Curtis '77
Kiki Wilkinson Clark '78
Linda Lahey Fay M'79, GP'20, '23

Kirby Shyer '80
Lee Mittelstaedt M'81
Frank Shaughnessy '82
Paul Reynolds '83
Larry Monck '85
Jennifer Vincent-Barwood Knight
Maria Stephens Shea '86
Jay Billings '87
John Barr '88

K.C. Swenson '90
Senah Kekic Doherty '91
Pat Sullivan '95
Erin Walsh Lange '97
Keith Pcolar '97, P'21

Lynn Watson M'03

David Cohen '11
Eddie Berke '15
Dillon Black '16