Application for Summer Term Off-Campus Courses


  • Faculty members are advised to talk to the Associate Dean of International and Intercultural Studies before applying.
  • After the same course is taught twice, the professor will have to get it approved by Academic Affairs.
  • Up to six courses will be selected. If there are more than six qualified proposals, courses which have run more than twice in the past may be asked to take a 1 year hiatus in favor of new course proposals which contribute to a wider diversity of offerings.
  • When courses are in similar areas or disciplines, the CIIS committee may choose which one will run to enable a wide variety of faculty members to teach off-campus summer courses over time. Please be advised that in order to ensure that SLU offers CIIS summer courses across multiple disciplines, when multiple proposals come from the same department, the CIIS committee will not accept all of them.  Departments may wish to play a role in setting up a rotation as to when each faculty member might teach a summer course to ensure that everyone who wants to teach one gets a chance.  
  • Course budgets will be based on 75% of the tuition collected (including faculty stipends/travel costs but excluding student airfare/travel to course site). Of the remaining 25%- 15% will be reinvested in financial aid and 10% will be reserved for administrative contingencies.  Using a summer 2024 model, this comes out to 3,476 per student for a 1 unit class and 4,635 per student for a 1.5 unit class. 
  • Contact Hours and Course Credit: Summer courses should—with very few exceptions—be 1 SLU course unit (45 contact hours). Review this guide to understand estimations of course activities and contact hours.
  • Travel dates: 14-day minimum: Courses which run in May/June may be more accessible for students with other summer work obligations. 
  • SLU's Business Office Travel Policy

This application form is due to CIIS by March 1st for the summer term of the following year (i.e. applications for summer term 2026 are due by March 1st, 2025).

Before submitting this application, you should check the website for the Centers for Disease Control: and have a conversation with the Director of the Diana B. Torrey Health and Counseling Center.

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