Equivalent Instructional Activity Inventory

The following chart is meant to serve only as a guide for developing equivalent instructional activities. Faculty members and departments ultimately determine what constitutes equivalency for students in their classes.

Activity Description Extent of Activity Instructional 
Blog, Journal, Log Students’ opportunity to apply learned concepts or for reflection on learning experiences to be shared with Instructor and/or classmates for thoughtful analysis, feedback, and assessment 1 private posting 15-45 minutes of instruction
    1 shared posting w/ requirement to read all student posts 45 minutes - 1 hour and 15 minutes of instruction
Case studies and  problem-solving 
In-depth analysis requiring utilization of higher order analytical skills which relate to course objectives and is shared with instructor and/or classmates for feedback and assessment. 1 case study, analysis, and posting 1-3 hours of instruction
Chat rooms for class or group projects Instructor led opportunities for collaborative, synchronous learning with specific expectations for participation and feedback. Chats are posted for review 1 hour chat 1 hour of instruction
Conference Calls Instructor led opportunities for collaborative, synchronous learning with specific expectations for participation and feedback. When possible, calls to be recorded for review. 30 minute chat 30 minutes of instruction
Debates Verbal arguments on a controversial issue conducted within a set framework, including constructive speeches, cross-examination, posed questions, and rebuttal. 5 minute debate (research and preparation of content and argument) 45 minutes - 1 hour and 15 minutes of instruction
Discussion Board Instructor-guided or mediated threaded discussion that directly relates to course objectives and which has specified timeframes, expectations for participation, and thoughtful analysis. 1 posting w/ requirement to read all student posts 15-45 minutes of instruction
    1 posting w/ requirement to read all student posts and reply to a minimum of 5 posts 45 minutes - 1 hour and 15 minutes of instruction
Field and Clinical Experiences Students participate in real-world experiences related to their field under the guidance of an instructional mentor and/or institution professor. In some instances, instructors are instructing students on-site for the duration of the experience. Professor/instructional mentor oversight includes on-site observations, video analysis, reflection journals, forums, etc. all with professor and/or instructional mentor feedback. Instructional mentors may be registered nurses, cooperating teachers, and theatre directors. Extent of activity and equivalency will vary and should be determined based on the required activities associated with the experience. Extent of activity and equivalency will vary and should be determined based on the required activities associated with the experience.
Field Trips or Tours to Include Virtual Lectures Students participate as individuals or in groups in analyzing an activity and preparing a paper or presentation, to be shared in whole or in part with instructor and/or classmates. Facilitator or Instructor led 1 hour tour 1 hour of instruction
    Students alone without instructor or facilitator for 1 hour tour plus reflection paper 1 hour of instruction
Guest Lectures Guest lecturers present on specialized topics relevant to course description, learning goals and outcomes. 1 hour lecture 1 hour of instruction
Group Projects An instructor mediated culminating activity with specific learning objectives; students collaborate via email, chat rooms, discussion boards, and/or face-to-face contact to research, analyze, synthesize, and prepare project with instructor receiving periodic updates and providing guidance to group. 1 - 4 hours/week for duration of project 1 - 4 hours/week of instruction
Guided Projects An instructor mediated culminating individual project with specific learning objectives; student and facilitator collaborate via email, chat, discussion boards, and/or face-to-face to research, analyze and prepare project with instructor receiving periodic updates and providing guidance and feedback. 45 minutes - 1 hour and 15 minutes for duration of project. 45 minutes - 1 hour and 15 minutes for duration of project.
In-Class Instruction, Presentations, and Tests Instruction, presentations, and tests provided in person in live classroom setting. 1 hour 1 hour of instruction
Instructional CDs, PowerPoints, Videos Instructor-mediated to expand upon and clarify course concepts and objectives. Reviews and posts response to 1 unit 45 minutes - 1 hour and 15 minutes of instruction
Interactive Tutorials and Simulations Tutorials with multiple media that allows the student to interact with the content that they are learning. Interactive tutorial components can include activities such as podcasts, learning games, quizzes, audio and video. Equivalency will vary and should be determined based on the length of the tutorial and average time to complete required activities. Equivalency will vary and should be determined based on the length of the tutorial and average time to complete required activities.
Lecture Activity - Written or Audio Opportunity for students to develop questions, comments, or observations, to be shared with classmates and instructor through discussion board postings or participation in chat rooms. Reviews 1 lecture and posts response. 45 minutes - 1 hour and 15 minutes of instruction
Peer Review/Assessment Employing instructor-designed criteria, students evaluate each other’s work. Student review of peer work and follow-up response post/email to student/teacher. 15-45 minutes of instruction
Scholarly Research - instructor led In-depth instructor led opportunity for students to research scholarly articles or professional journals that relate to course objectives; to be shared with class in a designated manner. 1 five-page project 45 minutes to 1 hour and 15 minutes of instruction
    1 3-5 page paper 15-45 minutes of instruction
Online Quizzes Opportunity for instructor to assess students’ subject knowledge and provide feedback on student’s progress. 1 hour test 1 hour of instruction
Reflection Paper or Article Review Instructor guided activity for students to apply learned concepts and relate practices to personal experiences or apply higher order analytic skills in assessing scholarly articles or professional journals. 1 private posting 15-45 minutes of instruction
    1 shared posting with requirement to read all student posts 45 minutes to 1 hour and 15 minutes of instruction
Service Learning Project An instructor led service project with specific learning objectives that integrates community service with academic study; faculty provides guidance, support and feedback to students and students shares experience and reflection with fellow classmates via emails, chats, discussion boards, and/or face-to-face. 45 minutes and 1 hour and 15 minutes per week for duration of project 45 minutes and 1 hour and 15 minutes per week for duration of project
Virtual Labs and Lab Reports Instructor provides students with computer-simulation or online laboratories in blended lab-based courses or in order to replace missed laboratories. 1 hour of virtual laboratory 1 hour of instruction
Virtual Labs and Lab Reports Instructors require students to submit, share, or post lab reports produces and assess work according to course rubric. 1 lab report post and review and review two classmates posts 45 minutes to 1 hour and 15 minutes of instruction
Web-Conferencing Instructor engages students in desktop-to-desktop or classroom video streaming instruction for collaborative, synchronous learning with specific expectations for participation and feedback (e.g., Skype, GoToMeeting) 1 hour webinar 1 hour of instruction
Web-Quest or Internet Search Instructor guided opportunity for students to research information on the Internet that enhances student learning and addresses specific course outcomes; findings shared with the instructor and classmates. 1 in-depth posting 45 minutes to 1 hour and 15 minutes of instruction