Grant Funding Opportunities

There are a wide variety of grant funding opportunities from internal and external sources, some of which are included on this page.

Internal Grant Funding Opportunities

Institutional Awards from Academic Affairs

The Office of Academic Affairs provides modest grant institutional awards to support faculty research.

Projects for Peace Student Grant Competition

Through St. Lawrence's participation in the Davis UWC Scholars Program, all current students are eligible to apply for the annual Projects for Peace grant awards. These awards provide $10,000 grants to students to implement their vision of "peace" in the U.S. or anywhere in the world during the summer months. Applications are due annually in late January to the campus selection committee c/o Carol Smith in the C&F Grants Office.

To learn more, visit: SLU Projects for Peace

External Grant Funding Opportunities

Free Publication: Charting a Course for a Successful Research Career: for government grants for all grants