Information Frequently Required by Funding Agencies
Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Tax Identification Number (TIN): 15-0532239
DUNS Number: 002255792
IRS 501(c)(3) Status: St. Lawrence University is a nonprofit with 501(c)(3) status. Funders often request written documentation of nonprofit status - available from the C&F Office.
Official Address:
St. Lawrence University
23 Romoda Drive
Canton, NY 13617-1423
Academic Year: August to May; Fall and Spring Semesters
Fiscal Year: July 1 to June 30
Congressional District: 21
Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) for proposal submissions:
Caroline Smith, Senior Officer, Corporate & Foundation Relations/Sponsored Research
Authorized Institutional Signatory on Contracts and Agreements:
Karl Spiecker, Vice President for Finance and Administration
Federal F&A Rate (aka Indirect Cost Rate): 49.9%
Benefits Rate (for full-time faculty and staff): 37% for FY25