Major Programs

St. Lawrence University offers various types of majors. Some majors are housed within a single department; others involve concentrated work shared between two departments or between one department and an interdisciplinary program. The number of semester unit courses required for majors varies, but regardless of major, no student may be required to take more than 12 or permitted to take more than 14 units under a single departmental or program designation. See the Inventory of Registered Programs and the Courses of Study section of the Catalog for the list of majors and visit for links to departments and programs.  

Multi-Field Major Program 

The multi-field major program is designed for students who wish to study intensively in a multidisciplinary field but cannot achieve this goal through an existing major program. The multi-field program provides an opportunity for students to design their own program of study. 

A student intending to pursue a multi-field major must submit a proposal for their individual plan of study to the Academic Advising Committee, which may approve it, invite revision and resubmission, or deny it. 

A proposal for a multi-field major should be submitted during the student’s sophomore year. The latest a student may submit a proposal is in the third week of the second semester of the junior year. 

A student entering the multi-field program must fulfill the distribution, unit, and GPA requirements for graduation. 

A student must have a 2.0 overall GPA to be admitted to the program and must maintain a 2.0 cumulative average in the multi-field major to continue in the program. Students should be aware that certain courses carry prerequisites and that these apply to the multi-field major as well as the departmental major. 

Double Major 

For a double major, a student pursues concentrated work in any two established majors (see above list) and meets the requirements for each major. If the two majors lead to different degrees, the student may elect to receive either the B.A. or the B.S.