Major and minor offered under the auspices of the mathematics, computer science and statistics department.
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Major Requirements
The requirements for a major in mathematics are 11 units, including four core mathematics courses, one analysis course, one algebra course, five electives, and a senior-year experience.
Foundational Courses
MATH 135. Calculus I.
MATH 136. Calculus II.
MATH 205. Multivariable Calculus.
MATH 280. Bridge to Higher Mathematics
MATH 305. Real Analysis.
MATH 306. Complex Analysis.
MATH 315. Group Theory.
MATH 316. Ring Theory
Elective Courses
Three at the 200-level or above and two at the 300-level or above. STAT 113 and CS 140 may count as 200-level electives. Any course cross listed as MATH or STAT may also count.
Senior-Year Experience
Students must fulfill a Senior-Year Experience (SYE) requirement in mathematics as one of the 11 units in the major, by completing an SYE outside the major, or by completing an internship approved by the department chair.
Honors work in mathematics provides the student with an opportunity for more independent and creative work in pure or applied mathematics. A minimum GPA of 3.5 in the major is required to receive honors in mathematics. In addition, each student applying for honors must complete a departmentally approved honors project. This work is completed as a senior year experience project. Interested students should consult the department chair.
Students who have seen some calculus before are encouraged to register for MATH 136 (Calculus II) or MATH 205 (Multivariable Calculus). Students who pass MATH 136 will receive credit for MATH 135. Students who pass MATH 205 will receive credit for MATH 135 and MATH 136. This is true for all students who have taken any calculus course before college.
Students unsure of placement within the calculus sequence should talk to any member of the department.
Students planning on majoring in mathematics are encouraged to complete MATH 280 before the end of the sophomore year.
Students considering graduate work in mathematics are strongly encouraged to take MATH 217 (Linear Algebra) and MATH 305, 306 and 315, 316 (a full year each of analysis and algebra).
Students planning to participate in an off-campus program should seek early advice from the department on the best way to plan their major program.
Minor Requirements
Seven units are required for this minor and must include MATH 135, MATH 136, and MATH 205. The four additional courses must be 200-level or above. STAT 113 and CS 140 may count as 200-level electives. Any course cross listed as MATH or STAT may also count.
Advanced Placement
Students who earn a 4 or 5 on the Calculus AB exam receive credit for MATH 135, and students who earn a 4 or 5 on the Calculus BC exam receive credit for MATH 135 and MATH 136.
Major/Minor with Statistics
By their very nature, the disciplines of Mathematics and Statistics are closely connected, and several of the courses offered within the Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics department can be used towards a major or minor in both. However, to ensure that the students that wish to double major (or major and minor) in the two fields have sufficient depth of knowledge within each field, there are some limitations on the number of courses that can count towards both. Details can be found at the Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics department webpage:
Related Programs
The department teams with economics and environmental studies to offer interdisciplinary majors in economics–mathematics and environmental studies–mathematics. The descriptions of those majors are under Economics and Environmental Studies, respectively.