
Information shared in a counseling session will be kept in strict confidence. The Counseling Center and Health Center staff operate as an integrated team in order to provide the best possible services to students. As professionals, we confer with each other within the office.  Health/counseling records are integrated and are available to both health and counseling staff.  Interdisciplinary consultations are for professional/treatment and/or training purposes only. Information will not be disclosed outside of the Health & Counseling Center without your written permission, with the exception of the following:

  1. Abuse of Children. If a staff member has reason to believe that a child under the age of 18 is being abused or neglected, s/he is legally obligated to report this situation to the appropriate state agency.
  2. Serious, foreseeable and imminent harm to self. If a staff member has reason to believe that you are in danger of physically harming yourself, and if you are unwilling or unable to follow treatment recommendations, s/he may be required to take action (such as, though not limited to, seeking involuntary hospitalization, notifying a family member, informing SLU personnel, involving other resources as needed/required).
  3. Serious, foreseeable and imminent harm to others. If a staff member has reason to believe that you are seriously threatening physical violence against another person, or if you have a history of physically violent behavior, and if s/he believes that you are an actual threat to the safety of another person, s/he may be required to take action (such as, though not limited to, contacting the police, notifying the other person, seeking involuntary hospitalization, informing SLU personnel, involving other resources as needed/required) to ensure that the other person is protected.

Please Note: The exceptions to confidentiality are extremely rare. However, if they should occur, it is the policy of the Counseling Center that, whenever possible, we will discuss with you any action that is being considered. Legally, we are not obligated to seek your permission, especially if such a discussion would prevent us from securing your safety or the safety of others. If disclosure of confidential information does become necessary, we will release only the information necessary to protect you and/or another person’s physical safety.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding confidentiality, please be sure to discuss them with your therapist.