Recognizing Signs of Distress In Your Student
Warning Signs of Distress- a SLU Resource Guide for Parents
Excessive sadness, anxiety, homesickness
Showing little or no emotion
Unexpected outbursts
Frequently angry or irritable
Expressions of hopelessness
Frequent absence from class (your student may not disclose this to you but discuss other academic concerns)
Decline in performance (or intense fear of failure or not living up to expectations)
Feeling overwhelmed with work or academically unprepared for the load
Sharing writing/creative work that focuses on disturbing content such as death, aggression, despair or hopelessness
Extreme test anxiety or fear of giving presentations
Lack of close friendships/relationships
A breakup or conflict with a friend or roommate
A rejection from a social organization (not getting into a fraternity/sorority/theme house, etc)
Other friends/roommates are expressing concern for your student
Calling/texting or coming home more or less than is normal for them
Changes in appetite (binge eating or not eating enough/skipping meals) or dramatic loss or increase in weight
Sleep disturbance
Signs of excessive alcohol or drug use
Garbled, rambling, disorganized speech
Excessive procrastination/ escaping into social media/gaming/ binge watching shows etc....
Behavior that is out of context or out of character for your student
• Making a direct threat to harm self or others
• Thoughts of death or suicide
• Unprovoked aggression, hostility, or anger
Contact Security for any immediate safety concerns 315-229-5555. The Counseling and Crisis Helpline is available 24/7 for support for any enrolled student, even when students are on break or abroad. Call 315-229-1914. The Counseling Center is available for consultation about your concerns Monday-Thursday 8:30-4:30 and Fridays 10-4:30 by calling 315-229-5392.
Tips to Respond
• Be direct
• Describe the changes you have noticed
• Refrain from judgement
• Provide a space to be heard
• Be patient and listen
• Give yourself plenty of time
• Let them know you care
• Ask what they need
• Affirm their feelings
• Reflect back what you are hearing
Conversation starters…
• “I haven’t heard from you in a long time.... everything Okay?”
• “I noticed you have been sounding super emotional. I am concerned about you. Is there something I can help with?”
• “You’ve been sounding really worried about your classes is there something you need help with?”
• “You seem down and distracted lately. Is there anything you want to talk about?”
• “It sounds like you are really overwhelmed. Let’s talk about some resources on campus to help you with this”.
• “College can be very challenging at times; you are not alone. How can I help?”