Supporting Your Student Through Academic Stress
Tips To Support Your Student With Academic Stress
- Remind your student to get adequate sleep! Research shows “all nighters” are detrimental to student grades and health.
- Encourage them to plan ahead. Breaking down final papers and study time for exams into manageable chunks helps reduce stress and feelings of being overwhelmed.
- Encourage a balance between their social commitments and academic responsibilities.
- Recommend they fuel themselves well! Maintaining healthy eating patterns and adequate hydration helps with stamina.
- Remind them to know and use resources for academic support. Academic Advising in Fox Hall can help with time management and/or study skills.
- Encourage healthy coping strategies for their stress! Remind them that stress at the end of the semester is normal and to be expected. They can manage it, though! Encourage breaks to exercise, get some fresh air or grab a snack or meal with friends. Remind them that guidance is available from CA’s or upperclassmen who have “been there/done that”! Students can follow the Wellness Education Office’s SLUDENT Wellness Instagram account for wellness events like doggie de-stress, kitty de-stress, yoga and meditation opportunities on campus.
- Remind them to do their very best, but to remember, at the end of the day they are more than their grades. Remind them of your unconditional love and support.
Counseling and Crisis Resources for Students at SLU