HEOP Interviews

Higher Education Opportunity Program Interviews 

The Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program, or HEOP, is a partnership between St. Lawrence University and New York State. It provides assistance in attending college to New York State students who have limited academic and financial resources. Each year, 15-20 new students enroll in HEOP at St. Lawrence.

HEOP students demonstrate the potential to succeed in college but may need additional support to meet the demands of a college curriculum. Additionally, their ability to pay college expenses is very limited. St. Lawrence provides students admitted through HEOP enough financial aid to allow them to attend our university, as well as mentoring that includes academic advising, tutoring, personal and financial counseling, and advice about preparing for careers or graduate school. For more information, you can visit our HEOP page or our Financial Aid page. 

St. Lawrence requires an interview as part of the HEOP admission process, and offers the option of online interviews. Our HEOP team is excited to connect and to share St. Lawrence with you. Find a time that works for you, and register today!

Our interviews are one-on-one and evaluative but casual and conversational, allowing prospective students to share themselves with us, discover more about St. Lawrence, and to ask questions specific to their college search process. Your interview is your opportunity to stand out from the crowd! 

Check back in September 2025 for more information on HEOP interview dates for Fall 2025 and January 2026. 

Please contact Bill Short, Director of HEOP, at wshort@stlawu.edu or Erin Colvin, Assistant Director of HEOP, at ecolvin@stlawu.edu with any questions. 

We look forward to meeting you!  

 #StlawuHEOP  #HEOPworks!