Equity Policies

Procedures for responding to instances of harassment or discrimination may be specific to an individual's category at the university, i.e. as a member of the faculty, staff, or student body.  Procedures applicable to members of the faculty are included in the Faculty Handbook and procedures applicable to students are in the Student Handbook.


Retaliation is an important issue regarding discrimination and harassment. St. Lawrence University policies prohibit retaliation, which should be reported just as discrimination and harassment would be reported.

Any member of the University community, others associated with the University, and guests, are welcome to contact the Director of  Human Resources and Employee Labor Relations,  Colleen Manley (315-229-5988) at any time for information about University policies and procedures.

Discrimination and Harassment Policies, Information & Procedures:

Combined Non-Discriminatory and Harassment Policy

Section 504/ADA – Grievance Procedure

Title IX information and resources

Bias Incident Reporting