Department Learning Objectives
1. Nature Connection
Explore diverse individual human relational elements with nature (philosophy, spirituality, recreation, etc.) through creative expression, science, and literature
2. Leadership
Understand how identity integrates into current theories of adaptive and situational leadership and how they can be applied to foster just and sustainable communities able to face unique challenges
3. Experiential Education
Design and facilitate learning opportunities for peers in the outdoors through the participative exploration and practice of experiential pedagogy
4. Stewardship /Land Ethic
Articulate and demonstrate a personal land ethic that incorporates understanding of ecological principles and a diverse history of eco-social relationships
5 .JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion)
Understand how inclusion of diverse individual and cultural identities impact access to and power dynamics in outdoor spaces and communities (explore how recreation can be used as a tool for healing, health, and justice)
6. Technical Skills
Develop technical skills to safely facilitate group and individual learning in a variety of terrain types (i.e. rock, snow, water) using appropriate techniques, language, and equipment