Political Science (Government) Department
Our students learn how government works not only in theory but also in practice, often through internships and other opportunities in cities like Washington, DC, and Ottawa, Canada, just 90 minutes away. The focus is both domestic and foreign, and examines issues of power and justice.
A major in political science prepares students for careers in the law, foreign service, international relations, cultural or economic development anywhere in the world, journalism, elective office and many others. Our recent graduates have been accepted to masters programs at Cornell, Georgetown, Johns Hopkins, and Syracuse University, and have also attended law school at the universities of Connecticut, Michigan, and Vermont (to name a few).
Note: As of July 2024 the "Government" program has been renamed "Political Science."
Program Information
Pi Sigma Alpha Honor Society
Pi Sigma Alpha is the national Political Science/Government honor society. Today, Pi Sigma Alpha hosts chapters on nearly 850 campuses and has inducted more than 300,000 members. Its rolls feature national, state, and local political leaders including one president, three Supreme Court justices, and dozens of members of Congress. Each year the St. Lawrence students who have achieved academic excellence in Political Science courses are inducted and display the same passion for politics and policy.
Qualified students who wish to deepen and expand their political science experience may undertake internships, community-based learning programs, experiential learning courses and in self-directed study. Some examples of recent internships our students have participated in include the U.S. State Department, the Massachusetts State Legislature, NY-21 congressional campaigns, the St. Lawrence Public Defenders Office, the Human Rights Campaign, and more.
Senior-Year Experience
A Senior Year Experience (SYE) Honors Thesis is the highest level of scholarship to which a major in the Political Science Department can aspire, and we strongly encourage those who qualify to consider undertaking one.