Contracts Approval Authority

Signature Request Form

  1. Definition:  For the purpose of this update, a “Contract” is a legally binding agreement whereby the University purchases goods or services, receives a grant or donation or makes a commitment to a third party.
  2. Scope:  This update includes all Contracts, excluding the following types of agreements: 
  • Financial transactions (excluding leases) and establishing banking or brokerage accounts are not considered for the purpose of this review.  These transactions and accounts require the signature of the Vice President for Finance & Administration.
  • Bank and brokerage account signatories are not considered for the purposes of this review.  Once accounts are established, signatories on these accounts are limited to the President, Vice President for Finance & Administration, Senior Controller and our overseas Program Directors and Associate Program Directors.
  • Requisitions and purchase orders are not considered for the purposes of this review.   Requisitions and purchase orders are governed by a different set of procedures and authorities.  Please see the Purchasing Procedures here.

  3.  Record Keeping:  All contracts of over $500 in value, regardless of where the contract is reviewed and signed in the University, when fully executed by both SLU and the other party, should be scanned and emailed to Procurement  The purpose of this procedure is to create a centralized data base of all University contracts.  If you have any questions, please contact Nick Ormasen at X-5303  and/or Joanne Bivona X-5896.   

Authorized Signatories - Excludes all Leases

President - Kate Morris - No limitation
VP, Finance & Admin. - Karl Spiecker - No limitation
Chief Facilities Officer - Bob Hance - Up to $100,000 (only Facilities related contracts, excludes leases)
Executive Director of Business Services - Nick Ormasen - Up to $50,000 (excludes leases)
VP & Dean of Student Life - Jon Duraj - Up to $10,000 (only Student Life related contracts, excludes leases)
VP, Advancement - Kim Hissong - Up to $10,000 (only Advancement related contracts, excludes leases)
Academic Department Chairs - Up to $5,000 (only speaker, performer, art loan, and other SLU approved template contracts, excludes leases)

Please make sure that the individuals who are authorized to sign contracts have sufficient time to read, review and, if applicable, make inquiries or engage in negotiations about the Terms of the Contract.