Beta Theta Pi - 25 College

Situated behind Vilas, this residence currently houses members of the Beta Thea Pi fraternity.
Walking distance from the Sullivan Student Center main entrance: 5 minutes 40 seconds
Amenities: First floor laundry room and adjacent parking lot
St. Lawrence history gurus say: The building was constructed in 1926 for the Greek fraternity Beta Theta Pi (Beta). The Beta Temple, the concrete structure across the street from 25 College, is affiliated with the fraternity, but its purpose is currently a mystery.
Res Life says: “The rooms in 25 College are some of the nicer ones on campus because they have great views of campus, newer tile floors, and are accompanied by large common spaces.” Lauren Stemler, Residential Coordinator, ’12
Community Areas: A kitchen and common lounge for residents to use.
Bathrooms: Three full restrooms with one designated for women and two for men. All restrooms have showers, sinks, and bathroom stalls. There is also one co-ed half bathroom with a sink and toilet. Residents have the chance to vote to make the bathrooms co-ed at the start of each semester, when the Community Assistant facilitates the voting process.
Laundry: One laundry room near the lounge with two washers and two dryers.