Reunion Class Gift Totals

Inside Gunnison Memorial Chapel looking towards the alter

Reunion Class Fundraising Totals

Reunion Classes are listed in ascending order, with collective gift totals including cash and pledges received as of June 1, 2024 including multi-year pledges and planned gifts made in honor of Reunion. 

Reunion 2024 Fundraising Total: $13,476,219

THE 1ST REUNION: Classes of 2022 and 2023 - $4,821

THE 20TH REUNION: Classes of 2003, 2004, and 2005 - $52,344

THE 40TH REUNION: Classes of 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, and 1985 - $5,655,142

THE 45TH REUNION: Classes of 1978, 1979, and 1980 - $1,937,460

THE 50TH REUNION: Class of 1974 - $711,854

THE HONOR GUARD: Classes of 1949, 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969 - $3,269,105

THE KENYA SEMESTER PROGRAM 50TH REUNION: Gifts to the Engaging Africa Fund - $1,937,460

THE SAINTS FOOTBALL REUNION: Saints Football Alumni - $335,937

Reunion Class Awards

The Shields Award (most Reunion attendees):

Class of 1974

G. Atwood Manley Society Class Award (most new counted planned gifts):

Class of 1964

Scarlet & Brown Participation Award (highest Honor Guard participation rate):

Classes of 1969

Scarlet & Brown Participation Award (highest donor participation rate):

Class of 1974

Saints Class Gift Award (Honor Guard largest gift):

Class of 1964

Saints Class Gift Award (largest gift):

Class of 1982

Hervey Cup (Best In Show in the Reunion Parade)

1st Place - Class of 1974

2nd Place - Class of 1979

3rd Place - Kenya Semester Program