Learning Goals

Given the historical and contemporary roles of digital media and film in both reinforcing and seeking to progressively transform power imbalances related to race, class, gender, sexuality, nationality, and ability, our program seeks to help students develop the following:

  1. Ability to critically analyze and interpret audio-visual and moving-image media, digital texts, images, data structures, algorithms, and emerging media such as AI and VR/AR with attention to their historical differences and convergences.
  2. Knowledge and technical skills to produce artistic works and media projects in collaboration with others, including films, videos, podcasts, digital narratives, photography, VR/AR, data visualization, and online journalism, and to consider their impact across different populations and demographics.
  3. Ability to critically examine and contextualize digital media and film through a contemporary lens–including changing institutions, forms, technologies, and global infrastructures–for their social, political, cultural, and historical influence.
  1. Ability to engage with and implement diverse media practices and theoretical concepts in digital media and film from historically marginalized groups.
  1. Knowledge of ethical responsibilities associated with creating, distributing, and consuming media in a world marked by structural power imbalances, unequal access, surveillance, and struggles for equity and justice.